Earth Hour Hijacks You Tube to Brainwash Public
April 1, 2012

Earth hour is a authoritarian HOAX!

Earth Hour Loves Murder! Earth Hour Is A Scam!

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34 Responses to “Earth Hour Hijacks You Tube to Brainwash Public”

  1. “Earth Hour Hijacks You Tube to Brainwash Public.”

    Only dumb-asses would fall for this BS.

    Step forward, alsharpton.

  2. Hahaha! These fools have been fighting me for a year and a half to install a smart meter on my house! They’ve sent people to my house 3 times, sent threatening letters telling me I need to “get with the program” or else! Or else what? Now they’re threatening to cut off my power.Zzz zzz zzz.Still waiting. Over the last 2 years I’ve already purchased everything I need to live off the grid, and comfortably! They even tried to use the excuse that my meter is too old and needs to be upgraded to a “digital” meter. Lol! What they didn’t realise is that just 5 years ago, I had a friend of mine who owns an electrical business, upgrade and rewire my entire home(including a new junction panel) before I completely remodeled it, and Edison was so pleased that they actually installed the newest most state of the art “digital” meter into my system.Lol! Maybe they should’ve checked their own records before trying to use the excuse that my meter was “old and outdated.” I’m almost looking foward to living off the grid, and what’s really funny is that after I informed them that I would be doing this if they cut my power off, they tried to “inform” me that it’s illegal to live completely off the grid in my area. WRONG! I live in an unincorporated area and the county already “informed” me that I can live 100% off the grid if I choose. This is great! I’ve got these tryrants by the balls and there’s nothing they can do about it! Nothing sweeter.

    • Almost looking forward? Its my dream to live off grid. Keep internet though.

  3. You also missed on the website how they are all doing deadly things, “to save the earth.” Eating 3 lb of gummy bears might cause irreversible infertility and all around death, i wouldn’t recommend it. The shark cage would be less deadly.

    Their inferiority does make them game for extermination though, so they get what they ask for, that’s what wisdom would say.

  4. Not a coincidence that “Earth” hour and day come before April Fool’s day. It’s like Christmas, really!

  5. i love the enviroment and all its glory and i like it and i do my part to help however what i dont like is the envorinazi propoganda morons on crack bitching at me cause i bought a soda in plastic cup and you fear people into going green so i say fuck you all i dont need a uptight bitch with a pole up her ass telling me to turn my fucking light off and stop going around and forcing your thoughts on others let people be people jesus christ its not that hard but when you get it in your head that i dont give a fuck what you say anyway government sucks ass when it comes to enviroments but in all seriousness ignore government and idoits

  6. ‘repooC mailliW’ – CNN Interview, 1992 [Full Length]

    Uploaded by GoodFightUploads on Jul 2, 2011

    This CNN interview with Bill was shot in a private hotel suite in Atlanta, GA in 1992. Bill details for the reporters the history and underlying causes behind the forces trying to subvert our Republic.

    Good video and audio — over 1 hour in length. He details the information so well that even the skeptical reporters are citing his info back to Bill by the end of the interview. Excellent starting point for beginner researchers and a classic collectable for those more advanced.

    “Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.” –Charles Fort


    * = p

  7. We had a big thing in our local paper and it sickened me to even look at, the sheep are thick in my little world!

  8. I just registered after being a long time reader. First I’d like to say in the last month or two Alex has been rambling on about a bunch of junk trying to stir up attention. I can’t believe all the people that think they are so smart and claim others to be sheep when they actually believe everything Alex spoon feeds to you.

    I’ve never heard of Earth Hour prior to today but all it is about it raising awareness that we overuse. If you don’t think we overuse you’re probably one of the fat ass Americans with thousands in debt because you bought a ton of stupid shit that you didn’t need with money you didn’t have.

    I live in California and see over consumption on daily basis. Walking down the street you see packs of fat people. Take a step back from LA and look at it from a distance. It has that thick layer of smog, has that always been there? Is it healthier for us to be breathing all that in? If you think that doesn’t matter, go turn on your car and sit in your closed garage for a couple hours.

    I don’t lean a certain way in the global warming argument but dumping chemicals into the air, poisoning water supplies and raping the environment of it’s resources isn’t helping us in any way.

    Anytime Alex brings up eugenics and says we aren’t overpopulated..oh my..I think you just say that to keep people on your bandwagon. Visit India or China then tell me there aren’t too many people there. I’m not advocating killing them or anything but if you believe this planet can support twice as many people are there are are FUCKING stupid!!

    Alex, complaining about people/companies/governments trying to lead people into believing things and then telling those same people not to believe in things is the same thing. I’d like to think most of these people can use their head and actually think for themselves but then I realize 90% of our population are just zombies.

    I may or may not post again but please stop posting stupid shit like this, you are just as bad as the ones you are complaining about.

    And no..I’m not affiliated with the government, green peace or anything else. Don’t post that I am just because I disagreed with the “Al-mighty Alex” who never does no wrong and is showing you the light.

    Thank you if you actually can think for yourself.

    Ron Paul ’12.

    • I see the mixture of the flouridated water and drugs has you really delusional on what Alex is saying , wow some are just waaaaaay out in left field with the crickets and toads

    • Then piss off if you don’t like this scene, no one is forcing you to come here!

    • What a sumpremely ignorant comment. Some people will never know certain things because thier brain doesn’t allow them to see past physical reality. The saying “Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t there” applies to this reality. I don’t follow Aj like alemming either, I highly suspect him to have other intentions other than what he potray’s.

      Ya, if you don’t like it here then don’t come here. People come o this site for a REASON! They’ve done thier research and come to this site to read the news in a way that the MSM doesn’t and to talk with like minded people. You see, the thing about this whole conspiracy is that it’s not going to just reveal itself to you because you don’t beleive it! They aren’t hiding anything from anybody, everything is Hidden in plain sight and they know your ignorance will veil the truth. They don’t need to hide when ignorance does all the work for them.

  9. Apparently Youtube has stopped me from accessing my Youtube account just because of me speaking out against racism. I guess Youtube now sticks up and allows racists to spread their stupid racist beliefs and allows them to spread their hate on Youtube.

    Youtube and the company Google who owns Youtube says they support free speech and yet they violate my free speech rights to speak out against racism.

    I would not be surprised if Youtube is run by stupid white suppremist losers.

    Youtube supports free speech HA! Thats a laugh because they don’t even support it at all.

    They have done this to me before as well because of me speaking out against government corruption, police brutallity, government and police crimes. I’ve also spoken out against secret societies and the evil Satanic New World Order that is coming.

    It appears that they are trying to shut me up and prevent me from waking people up to the truth.

    They only do this to people who post activists videos.

    BTW my Youtube channel name is:


    • Infowars does that too! You have to becareful what you say on here because certain thing don’t make it to the comment section, trust me I’ve experienced it!

  10. Priming. We know its priming for the realities of Agenda 21. To awaken people and change their views requires similar priming campaigns and strategic Incrimentalism. Many simply aren’t ready to except that their “well meaning” leaders are anything but.

  11. If the government is so concerned about this planet, perhaps they would teach us evil consumers how to live in harmony with nature? Oh I forgot, they are no experts on that subject themselves.

    • i think the earth is our #1 priority. however, giving more money and authority to the feds to “fix” the planet is just rediculous

  12. Anyone ever notice how the elite are quick to blame everyone but themselves for what’s happening to this planet? I sure as hell don’t fly around in a jumbo jet and cause oil spills. I sure as hell don’t drop bombs on a beautiful world. I sure as hell don’t litter the ground with bullets and body parts. I sure as hell don’t experiment with nuclear weaponry in the world’s deserts, oceans, and atmosphere. All these dicks shaking their fists at us consumers need to examine their own habits. They cause wars, death, poverty, all of which are bad for this planet and the survival of our species. What about those scientists who wanna create a black hole for research purposes? Is anyone concerned about that? Lol. I don’t know what the government is trying to pull here, but they should all look in the mirror.

  13. haha. limp-wristed nazis….

    yo check out the earth hour vid. i watched it yesterday, all kinds of occult symbolism. just like last years. and they ruined a good song again. sigur ros hoppipolly, hiphopopotamous…they have some occult stuff too, whatever.

    also kony 2012 was probably a good thing. people are more skeptical now. top rated comment on the vid was “IF YOU LIKED KONY 2012, YOU’RE GONNA LOVE THIS.”

    • top comments changed now, but that’s ok, cause this infowars vid is like number 4 in search results, above the original.

    • * “…KONY 2012 SCAM”

  14. What’s up with Infowars siding with energy cartels?

    Oh, because this site is about right-wing ideology and not about fighting corporate greed and human injustice.

    Once again, Infowars exposes itself for the blind ideological sheep that they are here.

    • alsharpton says:


      I’m an effeminate trendy lib-ber-ral, errrrrrrr…!!!

      With a limp wri-ist, errrrrrrr…!!!

  15. Since when did these eugenicists begin allowing some broad with Down Syndrome speak for them? Wouldn’t someone like her be a prime candidate for “extermination upon birth”? Oh, I get it…playing the sympathy card.

  16. If the power companies double your rates then the way to fight back is to reduce your power consumption by more than half. Whining is not resistance.

    • Then they make the original amount but only supply half the energy

      • Yes, we should now down to our corporate masters

        • Bow down, that is.

          After all, we love being raped by energy companies.

          It’s the libertarian way!

        • NO,shithead–ya find alternative sources

        • They ALSO make out because they don’t have to build more generating plants

      • Do you remember those mathematical symbols for greater than, less than, does not equal and is equal to oswegoscott? If the power company doubles your bill and you regroup to buy less than half of their product then how exactly does the power company generate the same or equal amount of revenue? Actually I think the power companies know that you will not compensate at all and just be happy with less purchasing power than you had before.

        • READ,dope. They still make the same amount they charged BEFORE the doubled increase while duping you into using half

        • If you still have trouble,I’ll write down the equation

  17. Anyone who acually believes Obama is president and that we don’t have a state run media is being brainwashed.

    Unelected officials took over Washington and the media after the coup and cover up. Even most of the comments online are financed with your tax dollars. Big brother is trying to create the perception of public opinion while burying the truth. They think you can’t handle the truth. Fact of the matter is we have no democracy, president, and freedom of press is an illusion.

    Our next election is shaping up to be as big of a sham as the last. Do you know why Sarah Palin’s bus tour was really canceled? Do you know why she stayed 30 miles away from the second debate and chose the death of Steve Jobs to announce that she’s not running? Know what leaked out? Sarah Palin and Cain aren’t in the race for the same reason, the truth leaked out.

    Search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret for the biggest cover up in world history before it disappears forever much like me.

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