EastEnders star weeps as father is jailed for four years after stealing £500,000 in taxpayers’ cash

  • John Jossa, father of EastEnders actress Jaqueline Jossa stole money from Enfield council
  • He lost most of the money when he himself defrauded whilst investing it and only repaid £25,000

Sara Malm

13:18 EST, 11 July 2012


13:21 EST, 11 July 2012

Wept: Jaqueline Jossa, as Lauren Branning in EastEnders, was sat in the public gallery at the Old Bailey today and cried as she watched her father receive his sentence

Wept: Jaqueline Jossa, as Lauren Branning in EastEnders, was sat in the public gallery at the Old Bailey today and cried as she watched her father receive his sentence

The father of EastEnders actress Jacqueline Jossa has been jailed four years for stealing nearly £500,000 of taxpayers money.

John Jossa, 58, abused his position as head of finance at Enfield Council in north London and created false invoices and lied about his wife working for the council and paid money into her account.

Miss Jossa who plays Lauren Branning in the hit soap wept as she witnessed her father pleading guilty to three offences of dishonesty of for fiddling with council expenses.

Mr Jossa siphoned off a total £491,088.35 into his own account over a period of four years between 2006 and 2010.

His 19-year old daughter, awarded best newcomer at this year’s National Television Awards, sat in the public gallery with her mother and other sister as he received his sentence at the Old Bailey today.

Jossa, pretended his wife had worked for the council and paid more than £42,000 into their account when no such work had ever been done.

He also fiddled with invoices from
recruitment firm Adecco, creating fake ones and processing genuine ones
that had yet to be signed off following its work for the council –
directing more than £448,000 into his pocket.

court heard that he invested most of the money into investment schemes
but fell victim to boiler rooms scams that promised high returns but
ended up losing all of it.

When Enfield council launched a court action against him only £25,000 was recovered.

Jossa was made redundant in 2009, but is alleged to have stolen the money between 2006 and 2010.

Despite the massive fraud he collected over £170,000 in redundancy.

Judge Nicholas Cooke QC said: ‘How on earth a person with a shred of
decency thinks he’s entitled to it when he steals half-a-million from
his employers that shows criminally distorted thinking.

Jailed: John Jossa was sentenced to four years imprisonment at the Old Bailey today after siphoning off money from Enfield Council into his own account

Jailed: John Jossa was sentenced to four years imprisonment at the Old Bailey today after siphoning off money from Enfield council into his own account

On the subject of Mr Jossa, of Bexley, becoming a victim to fraud himself, he added: ‘In addition to being fully dishonest, he’s a fool.’

Jossa pleaded guilty to one count of obtaining money by deception and two counts of fraud at an earlier hearing.

Judge Cooke said: ‘I have to sentence you for three offences of dishonesty by a fairly sophisticated fraud.

Miss Jossa was snapped enjoying herself at the premiere of Magic Mike last night on the evening before her father appeared in court

Miss Jossa was snapped enjoying herself at the premiere of Magic Mike last night on the evening before her father appeared in court

have taken £491,000 odd of funds of no doubt hard-pressed local
authority. Knowing that you had done that, you accepted another £170,000
odd by way of payment on termination of your employment at that same
local authority.

‘The vast
majority of all that money is now gone. All that court proceedings
brought by the London Borough of Enfield has been able to recoup as
about £25,000 described as a drop in the ocean.

‘The prospect of further recovery on behalf of local residents is bleak.

continue to receive a local authority pension. How long that may
continue and whether anything can be done about that is not a matter for

Judge Cooke said Mr Jossa was a man focused on greed and added that Mr Jossa’s senior position within the council represented ‘a gross breach of trust’.

 ‘Your offending will have real consequences to local residents in terms of reduced services or a decline in payments for those that live in the area.

‘You have embarrassed the vast majority of hard working, and compared to your salary, lowly paid local government employees.

‘It was not your money, it was local residents money.’

Earlier his defence barrister Avtar Bhatoa said the ‘genesis of this offending goes back to April 2006’ when his client’s ‘salary was failing to service his debts.’

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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dont worry jacqueline you can still sit on my knee and stroke my shiney head ,,who,s the daddy

Dont be quick too judge the man you don’t know ,god knows the truth ,stay strong Jacqueline ,there’s a lot off people supporting you .:0) x

i’d ruin jacqueline jossa.

Jacqueline Jossa is very beautiful.

There’s been a few comments about the inclusion of the actress in the story… not so sure its the usual DM sensationalising of a story or… she’s only 19 and may well have been living at home when this stuff took place, albeit totally innocent of what her father was up to. She didn’t commit the crime and she is innocent, but her father spent the money on something…

He was on a good wage, silly man. At the very least they should recoup his council pension money. Disgusting behaviour, I feel sorry for his daughter as it’s not her fault.

Shes a wee belter aswell…

Strange how none of the countries local authorities or government in general have anything approaching adequate accounting systems. Its a rogues paradise with little in the way of true punishment for those caught out.

So many actors from EASTENDERS and CORRIi,are in and out of jail,constantly in the new.ehmmmmmmmm.
– poppiloo, CROYDON, 12/7/2012 10:11 ================= John Jossa doesn’t star in EastEnders or Coronation Street and his daughter hasn’t been accused of anything.

I weep every time I realise that Eastenders is still on TV! Now that’s a real crime!

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