Education: Manufacturing Green Marxist Morons For The NWO – Infowars Reporter Contest

April 23, 2012

Reporter: Aram Seamus Crow Hanson
Ashland, Oregon

I am using “brainwashing” in a generic sense as a form of mind-control. The term is used causally in this fashion all the time.. No need to split hairs.. As Iserbyt said, techniques to “manipulate the thoughts actions and feelings of the student” and “challenge fixed beliefs.”

Karl Marx made it pretty clear in his poetry who his mentor was… the Devil. Marxism is a seductive trap especially in times when the bankers and wall street criminals are bringing the world to crisis by design. How do you get people to go with Marxism unless you kill the SPIRIT of capitalism first by blatant in your face corruption. They are waving it in our faces..”see what capitalism does” Corzi is an example.. Like allowing blatant theft of billions but still jailing a guy for not wearing a bicycle helmet. . this demoralizing is key to getting people to hate capitalism and love the Neo-Green-Marxist folks who are going too save us all from global warming and the rich. In reality its the same problem solution model,,, “Here folks.. capitalism nearly killed us all and bankrupted the planet, so here is the solution… neo-green-marxism!” In reality the green neo-commy world will be an unbelievable nightmare and not resemble in any way their romantic idea of green-marxist-utopia. The very people that fight to get the system in place, the revolutionaries, once they accomplish the goal and a collective Marxist state is in place, they (the revolutionaries) are a liability to the state. Darwinism, atheism, collectivism plus overt sexual liberation go hand in hand with what? a communist revolution. For a collective government to exist it must eliminate personal and emotional individuality and individual paternity and maternity. (these Rules apply to the Ruled, not the rulers.) It goes hand-in-hand with the Green-Globalist-Neo-Marxists One World Agenda.. . Is it any mystery why Marxism and intellectuals seem to go hand in hand? The process of “educating” people in the US and in the current fashion seems to have a predictable (general) result.. a self righteous atheist who now thinks they are so smart and know whats best for everyone that they are not only willing, but enthusiastic to “sacrifice a few for the collective good”.,or In other words a product that behaves how the rulers want it to. Who desides what the collective good is anyhow? Well with these people its not GOD. Morality must come from a rock solid foundation or people will be able to just make up convenient morality to serve their ends, which is what you have now.

Have you ever wondered why Its easier to hear about the death of thousands, than to hear one personal account of a child being killed by a soldier? Its because collective thinking is less influenced by the emotional centers of the brain. When you use this part of the brain to make decisions about large populations of people its unemotional. This in itself is not bad or good. What it does is allow for all sorts of decisions to be made with-out emotional attachment. It opens the door awshwitz, the NWO, mercy killings, Eric Pianka… The government is the embodiment of this collective thinking monster… a clumsy oaf who beyond all evidence still stoles the virtues of itself and its (governments) role in human affairs.
Communism is an engine of evil as it is outright intentional collective thinking and inhuman machine. Many have tried to understand how Hitler could do such deeds and many have argued that the effect of collective thinking due to “education” and the effect of a new pseudo-sciences, sociology, social-Darwinism, the Occult of course too as the plasticity of the “faith” allows egomaniacs the means to validate their grandiosity through feeling “chosen,” “destined” ..that they are a “higher evolved being” .. “above human” ubermensch,,, Of course if you have supermen you must have untermensch “sub-human”.. using collective thinking and manipulating a very educated and thus entitled and population to collective thinking relative population in to an in group/ out-group situation with the Jews who had a somewhat-distinguishable culture apart from the Germans .. So it was easy..

There was no resistance to Hitler’s State.. more like a bizarre fanatical enthusiasm, not just in Germany, but around the world…. Germany had become a collective single mind that Hitler and his minions played like a fiddle. These were NOT stupid ignorant people, the German people at the time were one of the most educated populations in history and very bohemian as well.. they were a lot like us here in the US right now.. A population of entitled “semi-educated” college grads.. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing..

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17 Responses to “Education: Manufacturing Green Marxist Morons For The NWO – Infowars Reporter Contest”

  1. Naw Aram iI is jus foolin aroun man. I is edumacated wit street smart an it got me nuttin but mo money mo money. Where is my ho’s at is all I caya bout. I’s don’t take no drug and i’m is gonna have a nice life so Isa cin keep up wit the street man.
    My Bad bro I reallyt liked your story it was a hoot. I know ppl who went to college and they do very well for themselves. I can’t tell you where the disconnect is because I am not scholarly like that. I do know that no matter how much learning someone has they must also be totally committed and very persistant in order to aquire anything in
    America. Money only buys pussy and pays the bills so dont get too secited over it. It is ppl that count and how much you are willing to give back to your community and your fellow man that makes the world a peaceful place. To give and to receive are both one and the same. I did like you story it was very well done. thgank you. I hope you win you have my blessings. Props.

  2. Good journalism. I really liked the point made about wait, you have a degree and you can’t get a job, yet you think going back to school to get another degree is a good investment? And an “educated” society does not necessarily make a better society; ergo, Germany in the ’40s. The girl stopped feeling smart and educated when he asked these questions and refused to play ball anymore.

  3. LOL – what an awesome video! Really good clips!!! That professor needs to lay off the coffee, and I especially loved the marketing banner with the old lady giving the diablo @ 4:57 saying “All students can be who they are”. What the? Classic…..

  4. This piece was very thoughtfully put together and a solid entry.

    With so much access to the Net and global resources, students have a much better chance to study independently and freely. Critical thinking skills are not going to erode because you have a some bad professors with goofy agendas. As long as there are good academicians who make you think, there is always a room for higher education. Minds have to grow.

    The key is to carve out a career goal when you head to school. A person then needs to take courses that work toward achieving that goal. There is plenty of alternative information on the Net students can use to balance out so-called Brainwashing.

    All graduates are not going to be Einsteins. I agree with a lot of what the video is about but situations have changed. The access to information is unlimited. Colleges and universities are accepting students that are not college material and should have stopped in high school. (Schools are greedy and cash makers.) Students can also apprentice…it is a process that has worked very well in Germany and people have balanced productive lives.

    Having been brought up in a home environment with grandparents like Charlotte Iserbyte, as in they have the last word, I do disagree. New horizons are opening. American students have got to become competitive in the applied sciences and engineering again. Literacy needs to improve vastly. Let’s raise the standards high again, but not call it the end of education and triumph of Communism.

    There are jobs out there. Want to be an HVAC technician and installer? Companies will train you and employ you. Want to be a nurse? The demand is massive and there is shortage. Go where the demand is and stay focused. Nice job on the video.

  5. AmeriKa is doomed.

  6. As I agree that the general level of education in the U.S. is pretty low, it is hard for me to have the whole issue being limited to “brainwashing” or “Marxism”. Please don’t forget that the country still has the best of the best employed here at the universities and it is a personal responsibility of an individual to become an educated person, not the parents or institutions. If, for instance, the trend is to dumb down the society, it is achieved mostly through peer pressure and media, the teacher cannot possibly make anybody to learn and think. Putting atheists and Darwinists in a same bag with Marxists and Neo-Green-Marxist is a misunderstanding – communism, which by the way just like capitalism never happened, is an ideology based on religious concepts, not on atheism. Rational people do not conform to collectivist thinking and irrational, religious in origin ideas of sacrifice of an individual for the nation/group. I happen to be an an atheist and an individualist supporting capitalistic principles, I also happen to care about our health and the health of our planet and I don’t see how my rationalistic views can possibly be mistaken as “Marxist”, that’s nonsense. Also, there are very good people on the left side of the political spectrum, people who are secular and against Marxism at the same time, like libertarian socialists, so please do not simplify political and social views because it comes out as unprofessional. Using terms like “No-Nazi” or communist/Marxist in a wrong context without proper analysis of the current state of our politics which is neo-liberalism, sounds like, again, a PR hysteria created by the uneducated. Yes, education needs reforms. Yes, some so called green people aren’t that green and yes, our educational system is a result of an industrial revolution promoting vocational type of education while often neglecting the individual talents and needs/ professions (especially in the humanistic or artistic sectors) that are becoming less profitable in our society. Well, atheists are often smarter because their thinking is based on rational principles of critical reasoning rather than ideological propaganda of a church or institution. Good news is that America is a country of free speech, libraries are open, books and articles available and nothing, really nothing stops us from educating ourselves. Let’s just do it.

    • I agree with much of what you say here. Avoid the hysterics and stay on academics. People still have excellent instincts about what to pick and choose. Labeling things in broad generalizations is just going too far. There is plenty of superb information out there and so many ways to educate yourself. Off the Net, a person can get an education simply reading Rolling Stone.

  7. The Marxist Green Movement is well expressed by the UN and other orgs like Century 21. But they are taking criminal short-cuts against the Law. Even the United States Forrest Service got caught in violation of the Law. They failed the mandate to coordinate with affected counties and citizens before the when ahead with highway road closures. The highways preexist the forest service and the forest service had no authority to impede highways, only the forest on either side. The use of highways supersedes the forest service so that people can get to their resources. The means and enforcement of “their” agenda was purely criminal. So who where they doing this for — was it a foreign entity. Did they break the laws of the land for the whims of a foreign entity, and inflict illegitimate harm on citizens right to live a living — it almost sounds like treason. They tried to blunder-bust their agenda past citizens rights where the had no legal authority. It was to be a land control grab of grand proportions. These green wieners will resort to criminal means if given an opportunity to bypass The Law. Maybe they don’t know shit about natural Laws or are miss-educated, but ignorance of the Law is no excuse — as they would have done harm to citizens rights like drinking water to start. Century 21 is not only full of criminals, but are inspiring others to use criminal means of attack. Their are other crooked organizations too, that are blatantly ignoring laws — lording it over citizens rights like foreign invaders, thinking their funding has given them the right. When agencies break the law for globalists crimes it is important that they get defunded to put an end to their harm. Their is a movement now to defund the forestry service or at least it’s enforcement of crooked programs. You should suspect all green wieners as criminal enterprise cause they don’t seek to follow the law. They think their agenda supersedes all and that causes harm. They ignore human rights. But this is merely an example of how the little commie rat-finks think. They had rangers acting criminal. From a global perspective it is treason against the people, who have vested heritage in natural resources in order to earn a living or survive.

    They would even try to own the rainwater from god the great provider. Behind the green wieners is a proven criminal agenda. Assume that those who come to violate your natural rights have a criminal agenda that contradicts the constitution, and you will probably be correct. Buy you must resist the violence, cause they will be stupid enough to think they have the law on their side when they follow these crooked mandates.

  8. Just by the title alone this video is implying that the educational system as a whole is merely a money marxist style money making scam to brainwash those that were tricked into going to college to try and obtain a better standard of living through college degrees. While I do agree the costs of school is staggering and in need of serious overhaul that is merely a reflection of the financial and monetary system we live under leaving those that are able to manipulate the system going all out to make money just like any other business in america. Now…. my best friend obtained 2 degrees and numerous certifications in an area of IT that we all rely upon these days. Through college he enhanced his computer skills had the written credentials many jobs request and is now making $150,000 a year at the age of 33. So to say that the only reason to go to college is to brainwash the masses is stereotyping and ignorant. You dont have my vote…. Peace.

    • this is just the type of issue that comes from tackling an issue like this in 10 min.. but regardless of 10 min or 10 sec.. How do you explain spending more money than ever and “educating” more people than ever with completely contrary results. WHY?

      “Just by the title alone this video is implying that the educational system as a whole is merely a money marxist style money making scam to brainwash those that were tricked into going to college to try and obtain a better standard of living through college degrees”

      … besides Tech school is for defined skill sets.. i assume. never attebded… Have you ever attended a university and completed a degree program? Well i can tell you that if you want to major in say.. video production.. then why is 90% of your money and time spent attending classes that have nothing to do with your major and seem more geared to changing your perceptions and relationships with people.

      Also, you are not examining the issues raised, you are blanketing the issues raised with a defensive reaction by assuming that the message is that all educating is bad. no, education is not bad, agenda driven training sold as education is bad .

      look, the fact of the matter is this.. we used to raise crops of geniuses and inventors from the soil of our educational institutions that then spawned entire industries.. .. what happened? is the problem just a cultural issue and our school are fine? No. Yes our culture is escalating perversion.. pushing the envelope.. But our schools have changed too and for the worse and why? you have to ask why? Is is an organic degradation, or is it by design. Or is it a result of failed policy with in the liberal bastions of the body politic. Regardless of where the problem lies.. the problem is still there and it should not be when viewed in terms of resources spent. yeah there is the Law of diminishing returns.. but there is more to it as policies have changed and priorities have changed dramatically over the last 50 years. ..
      these things are not always easy to articulate as its similar to the fish and water scenario. I am a failed product of this system. I was rejected by the educational system, not because i was not smart enough, its because i did not fit in to the mold.

      We have 1000s of people being sucked in to the idea that if you cant find a job, then go to school.. or in other word go in to massive debt with no income to pay it back. Also. Unless you are attending a school for a specific skill set you can not get anywhere else then fine.. Politicians.. (democratic ones) are pluggling for everyone to go to college… why? Well for one, any student dependent on fed money, which is a lot, is going to vote for who?

      Please explain to me.. as I will change my video, or delete it if you can convince me that there is NOT an agenda within government funded schools to conform people in to a “globalist citizen” its not so much in skills its in mentality..

      Besides, IT.. that is a school with a purpose.. This is my point. Have you ever cruised a regular college campus and looked around? Many. a good majority, are not getting anything useful out of college, they just belive they are.. Poeple dont remember the information they learned in all those classes, so what do they come away with? They come away with being filled with subtle behavior modification.. for the most part what separates a college grad from a non-grad is what..? a slip that says what? w It says hire me

      If you want to know why they are killing America is because they see america for what THEY have turned it in to.. a worthless fat man, made obese and weak through consumerism in some vain misguided attempt to “protect us from ourselves”.. thats the tag line they spew in their little cocktail parties, but in reality its designed to be invisible shackles.. for lack of a better term, its demonic ..
      America is unique in its view of liberty. It is that GOD gave us our right.. Not man.. therefore they are not plastic and can not be removed, as even if you killed all, the morality remains.
      We think we are so smart only because we have crutches called technology and extra time to gloat over our/their shortsighted and temporary success..

      We are being steered by madmen, we are being driven by drunks, we are on the titanic captained by egomaniacle morons with no sense of appreciation for anything but their own gratification of being behind the wheel..

      Do Not Tread On Me. why? because my constitutional rights


    _______ALEX, YOU ARE NOT ALONE _________



    • Amen!! Praise God, we are not alone!!

  10. Doon scayah nobody wit dis stuff. I am a amaercun boy. Iiiun u doone liike it git da hell out an go back whea yall come frum. Spit, spit. Longs i got my chawin tubacca it aint nuthin i cain’t do boy. Dat dare educatin is fo doese ones who is smart aint it.

    • Exactly…….

    • well, I cant tell what your point is, but i will guess. You are doing this “hillbilly” thing, because you think I am saying all education is bad.. Obviously the advancement of knowledge and skill is essential to a healthy culture.. and having our college institutions staffed with people who are not part of a globalist agenda too. You think the UN is not dictating US education policy? You think the UN wants a skilled and clear minded US population? My mother is a retired middle school teacher who can tell you the same thing, that our schools are ineffective by design. .. School today is making products that behave in predictable ways. The Globalists want people as a tool set to use, NOT REAL human beings. Even when the system does produce a “winner” they are a winner for the Agenda, some marxist green uber-kid.. well no thanks. Look my friend public school products are exactly what they want, little doughy mold-able stooges. This is a CRIME. They are destroying minds, destroying entire generations..

  11. I agree, best one I’ve seen so far. He gets out there and doesn’t just sit in front of a camera. Most of them I watch for a few minutes and can’t finish watching. Great job!

  12. Great Video!!!! LOVED IT!! You got my vote (so far)

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