Egypt Brotherhood calls for rallies

“This is an attempt by the remnants of the regime to try to bring back the fallen era. It is seeking to thwart the revolution and return to the era before January 25,” Muslim Brotherhood Secretary General Mahmoud Hussein said in comments published on the movement’s website on Wednesday.

The group announced that it would hold protests on Friday to “protect the revolution” from the Mubarak-era officials who may make a comeback.

Muslim Brotherhood added that the new developments could destroy the country’s unfinished revolution.

Omar Suleiman, who served as the head of Egypt’s General Intelligence Department for 18 years registered as one of the presidential hopefuls last week.

Many consider Suleiman a favorite of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), which has ruled Egypt since Mubarak’s downfall in February 11, 2011.

The Brotherhood’s candidate Khairat al-Shater, who risks disqualification for serving a prison term under Mubarak, has said that Suleiman’s presidential bid could spark a second revolution in the country.

“I consider his entry an insult to the revolution and the Egyptian people,” al-Shater said on Sunday, hours after Suleiman filed his candidacy.

He also likened Suleiman’s candidacy to an effort “to steal the revolution”.

The Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party has also fielded a reserve candidate in case al-Shater gets disqualified by the Supreme Presidential Electoral Commission that is supported by the military rulers.

The polls are scheduled to be held in two rounds. The first would be held over two days on May 23 and 24, while a run-off, if necessary, would take place on June 16 and 17. Final results are expected on June 21.


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