Eight TSA airport screeners fired for SLEEPING in baggage rooms while on duty in latest in string of blunders

Eight Transportation Security Administration screeners were fired after they were captured by surveillance cameras sleeping on the job, or violating other standards.

The former employees, who all worked at the Newark Liberty International Airport, were caught napping in a baggage room

This is the latest round of firings in the trouble-ridden TSA, only weeks after seven workers in Philadelphia were fired for bribery.

‘The decision to take disciplinary action, including the proposed immediate removal of eight individuals from the TSA reaffirms our strong commitment to ensure the safety of the traveling public and to hold all our employees to the highest standards of conduct and accountability,’ the statement read.

An organiser with the Association of Federal Government Employees Union said that they would appeal all eight of the TSA’s terminations.

By request of Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey), the Office of the Inspector General in the Department of Homeland Security is looking into the TSA of Newark, following several security breaches at the airport.

Sen. Lautenberg called the investigation ‘a tough but necessary corrective action to fix a disturbing pattern of misconduct.’

But workers told the Star-Ledger that these investigations have passed over upper management, all while pitting lower-ranking workers against one another.

Bribery, Larceny, and an iPad hiden in trousers: A list of the TSA’s most recent missteps

  • On June 15, TSA fired seven workers in Philadelphia after another worker was convicted of bribery. Former Supervisor Shannon Gillam, 30, pleaded guilty to demanding money from co-workers to take certification tests.
  • Earlier in June, five TSA workers at Southwest Florida International Airport in Ft. Myers were fired, and an additional 38 were suspended after officials found they failed to do random screenings on passengers. According to USA Today, it remains one of the largest disciplinary actions the fledgling government agency has taken.
  • On January 10, former TSA agent Paul Yashou pleaded guilty to stealing a $15,000 watch from a passenger’s belongings at Los Angeles International Airport in May. He is awaiting sentencing.
  • Two other former TSA agents at JFK were sentenced on January 10 to six months in jail and five years’ probation for stealing $40,000 from a piece of luggage in January 2011. The agents, Coumar Persad and Davon Webb, had pleaded guilty to grand larceny, obstructing governmental administration and official misconduct.
  • Also in January, authorities charged an agent at Miami International Airport with swiping items and luggage and smuggling them out of the airport in a hidden pocket of his work jacket. He was arrested after one of the items, an iPad, was spotted for sale on Craigslist.
  • Another TSA employee was arrested in July at nearby Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport after an airline employee reported that the man slipped an iPad into his pants.
  • Last December, police charged a TSA screener at New York’s LaGuardia Airport with lifting a laptop after a Detroit-bound passenger left it behind at the security station.
  • Earlier last year, a TSA supervisor and one of his officers pleaded guilty in a scheme that lifted $10,000 to $30,000 from passengers’ belongings at Newark Liberty International Airport.
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