Electrical Engineer Can Feel Magnetic Fields Through Magnets Implanted in His Fingertips

By Clay Dillow | PopSci.com

Reddit user elgevillawngnome explains in this IAmA how he had two Parylene-coated neodymium magnets implanted in the thumb and ring finger of his left hand (he chose those two fingers because they are far enough apart from each other and dont get in the way of his day-to-day activities). These magnets, surgically lodged in a layer of fat just below the skin, impart a kind of sixth sense–a sensation that allows him to feel magnetic fields in objects.

The magnets arent super strong–only something very small like a staple will stick to his fingers, and they dont wipe his hard drive when he uses his laptop or demagnetize his credit cards when he handles them. The sensation I get near a magnetic field changes from field to field, he says in the IAmA. AC fields cause the magnets to shake in my fingertips. This causes a similar sensation to bumping your elbow and your fingers going numb. Though, this changes in fields of different frequency or intensity. DC and permanent magnet fields just feel like its tugging on my finger.


Read the full article at: popsci.com
Image: Commons, Partyzan_XXI via Wikimedia

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