** Emergence of Police State In America **

** Emergence of Police State In America **

When faced with hunger, riots and anger vs. the promise of government support (but with less rights), what do you think most people will do in the middle of a Great Depression?

It is not like we haven’t seen this kind of economic fear and uncertainty before. You only have to open any history book of the 20th century to read about the Great Depression and the subsequent shift to fascism and Police States. Like night follows day –a great recession, “economic downturn” or whatever label you like to call it, puts enormous pressure on many countries to adopt far more extreme measures of control and censorship.

Fledgling democracies crumble, replaced by military dictators. This will almost certainly be the case for many emerging democracies in Africa, many in Asia and South America. Just as devout Jesuit trained Robert Mugabe has proven that even the worst of tyrants can cling to power, expect an explosion in Catholic sponsored dictators in Latin America and Catholic controlled African states.

Similarly, the forces for the creation of police states in developed countries such as France, Italy and even Germany are likely to increase as the recession continues to bite and more and more people lose their jobs, their homes and their hope.

So it was over seventy years ago in nations such as Germany where intelligent, peaceful people—the same as today –overwhelmingly celebrated the arrival of devout Catholic Adolf Hitler as their economic savior.

Slowly, slowly towards world war

There exists at present an incredible mix of intellectual self-arrogance and plain cowardice amongst media commentators and journalists concerning the unfolding events of the global recession (depression). In spite of the overwhelming evidence that there has been deliberate manipulation and sabotage to the global economy to make things worse, almost nothing is printed of the events coming out of Zürich.

Even when the Vatican issues public statements applauding the recession as “necessary evil”, the story is quickly buried and little follow-on analysis as to what this means exactly.

While millions who have lost their jobs, their home and their confidence cry out for answers, the media is mute. Even as some of the largest newspapers in the world are close to bankruptcy, editors and journalists steadfastly refuse to tell people the truth.

Even as people switch off the evening news and cable news channels in record numbers to use the internet to find answers, television reporters stubbornly refuse to speak about the “V” word –as if the Vatican and its deliberate manipulation of currencies and credit have a “God given right” to destroy our lives.

While a member of the Curia, or some loyal soldier to the Roman Cult may sacrifice an innocent to their demonic gods, while a Pope dressed in white may preach peace but plan for the next “Holocaust”, this is not the height of true evil.

True evil is represented by the owners and directors of major media companies that censor and purge all negative media concerning the Vatican’s direct involvement in this global depression.

Real evil is represented by the cowardly news editors and journalists who refuse to discuss the truth concerning the Jesuits and the Vatican’s legacy of misery to the world–who deliberately hide the truth such the words from no less than President Abraham Lincoln himself against the dangers of the Vatican and the Jesuits and their key role in starting the American Civil War.

While a priest may claim some perverted adherence to a satanic cult, all that journalists and media owners may claim as “justification” is a desire for fame, wealth and personal pleasure–which makes their continued actions in the face of global dangers even more damning.

Greatest Lie#10–Justice and Legal System

Anyone who has had the misfortune to become a case number within the “Justice System” or to have a battle with the IRS –“Tax collectors” know that there is something terribly wrong about the system wrongly called the “Justice System”. In fact the final Great Lie of the 10 greatest lies of all time is that the Justice System standards for Justice for ordinary citizens—it doesn’t. The Justice System is for the benefit of favourable judgments to those who remain in power and “legally” above the law.

Consider this simple fact—the Vatican in only a handful of places such as Zürich has in its possession enough gold to hire everyone on the planet and pay them in gold coins for centuries—trillions of dollars in wealth. Yet since the invention of the global legal system in the 13th Century—the Roman Cult (Vatican) has been accepted as “above the law”.

In reward for countries continuing to honoring treaties and agreements not to punish the Vatican, or seize any of the gold and assets its has stolen over the centuries, the Vatican and its agents (the Jesuits) help maintain a global legal system that treats every nation as a CORPORATION and every living man and woman as property through the legal fiction of being PERSON belonging to the legal fiction of a SOCIETY ruled by a bankruptcy notice called a CONSTITUTION of the nation CORPORATION. What is even worse is that you do not own yourself. You are a legal slave and a VESSEL of the CORPORATION who purchased you by tricking your mother into issuing BIRTH CERTIFICATE for your PERSON. When the CORPORATION wants to sell you or your effort, or if you wish to conduct business, all must conform to international common law which is MARITIME LAW ruled by the HOLY SEA (SEE). The Holy See “owns” everything legally to the registered watermark of each CORPORATION. In the United States, the legal watermark under MARITIME/ADMIRALTY LAW is some thousands of feet—that legally 99% of the United States is considered underwater and therefore the PROPERTY of the HOLY SEE.

Now if this all sounds strange don’t worry it is. It is a giant con-game that is at the heart of this Great Lie. The only problem is that if you ever have the misfortune to have to deal with a government, or one of its subsidiaries such as the Tax Office in Court, you will encounter this labyrinth of legal mirrors all too clearly.

The key to this lie is to protect the Vatican from being shut down, from a handful of people saving the world and emancipating the largest treasure in history hidden in vaults in cities like Zürich. That is their greatest fear and the primary reason for existence of the complex “InJustice System” so that they can legally continue to grant you minimum rights, the illusion of freedom while you willingly and compliantly accept losing your job, your home, your family’s future and not rise up and shut them down.

The apparatus for control is already in place

One of the many great misunderstandings–even by some of the most well read of individuals– is that the Police State is being implemented before our eyes. In fact, the apparatus for absolute control has been in place for hundreds of years– the visible presence of police in black uniforms resembling the Nazi SS is only a quickening.

The mechanisms for control of you, your PERSON is in the perverted and corrupted legal definitions upon which our “Injustice” system is based. The Police are able to do what they do, because centuries of Vatican and Jesuit lawyers have created such an evil system that treats you as PROPERTY, not a living independent being.

Similarly, all the “right” you mistakenly think you have do not exist at all when faced with legal persecution by the Tax Office or some other government agency– all because of the legal definitions and corrupted words we are forced to use.

The new great Holocaust

In the not too distant future, para military police dressed in black and resembling the Nazi SS (Knights of the Sedes Sacrorum or Knights of the Holy See) will become more frequent. As street crime and terrorism increases, the majority will accept there is a price for having the “streets safe” in removing unwanted people.

The over crowding of jails will “force” the governments to develop new facilities– camps much like the camps we saw seventy years ago in Poland and Russia and people will start to disappear.

Of course, for the majority of good citizens, the concept that fanatical sections of the US Government who swear false allegiance to a foreign power in the form of the Vatican seems absurd and the height of conspiracy theories.

In spite of the obvious evidence that certain US Government agencies have demonstrated habitual treachery to the US People and its constitution, many refuse to believe. So it is not hard to imagine most people will simply refuse to believe that the Vatican has returned to its Holy Inquisition and burning people alive again.

This is why it almost certain to happen, if not starting to happen right now– people being murdered as heretics in government facilities loyal to the Vatican satanic cause. And the only reason it will happen, get worse and no one senior will ever be arrests (like those who murdered 18 million in World War II and walked away free) is because good people bury their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge what is in front of their faces.

The great irony about those who plea to the crocodiles to “eat them last” is that they just get eaten more slowly.

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