Escaped NSW mental health prisoner wanted

A former Sydney waiter who took drugs before stabbing a man during a sexual encounter in 2003 has a warrant out for his arrest.

Trent Jennings was found not guilty of murdering Giuseppe Vitale on grounds of mental illness in 2005 by the NSW Supreme Court.

Jennings is now wanted for questioning in relation to an assault in Zetland last week and a warrant has been issued for his arrest, a police spokesman told AAP on Tuesday.

At about 7pm (AEDT) on December 29, a 50-year-old Zetland man was allegedly assaulted and his Mercedes four-wheel-drive was stolen from his home.

The alleged thief was someone whom the man had met online, police said.

The stolen Mercedes was last seen on the Pacific Highway at Upper Warrell Creek about 6pm on Friday.

The man who stole the car is described as being of Caucasian appearance, aged 25 to 30 years, about 170cm tall, medium build, and with a fair complexion.

He has blue eyes and wears glasses.

Jennings, now 26, was in custody as a mental health prisoner at Morisset near Newcastle.

The Mental Health Review Tribunal had reportedly relaxed his incarceration conditions last year, allowing Jennings to leave the facility on day release.

However, he returned late from leave on Thursday and then disappeared on Friday.

The NSW Supreme Court was told in 2005 that Jennings had stabbed Giuseppe Vitale in the neck with a kitchen knife after being tied up during a sexual liaison with the man, whom he had met through the internet.

The court was told Jennings suffered a psychotic illness that was precipitated or aggravated by illicit drug use.

He had taken three or four ecstasy tablets in the hour before meeting Mr Vitale, as well as an intravenous shot of amphetamines.

Jennings told a police psychiatrist that after he had tied up Mr Vitale as part of their foreplay he heard voices saying that Mr Vitale was going to rape him.

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