EU Funding of Homosexual Lobby with Pedophile Links Questioned

Written by Alex Newman
The New American
Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have started to ask questions about why taxpayers in the European Union (EU) are being forced to finance a giant homosexual lobbying group with past links to organizations promoting pedophilia. Gay and lesbian activists responded to the concerns by unleashing a wave of attacks.

Researchers using publicly available data found that the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association-Europe (ILGA) received more than two-thirds of its funding directly from taxpayers through the European Commission. When tax money provided by the Dutch government was added in, over 70 percent of the group’s funds last year came from taxpayers. The rest came from billionaire leftist George Soros and two other major donors.

“It appears to be a puppet organization in the hand of a very small group of donors, of which the Commission is the most important one,” noted European human rights lawyer J.C. von Krempach, who shined the spotlight on the issue late last year in a series of articles. “Is this really a ‘non-governmental’ organization, or part of ‘civil society?’ Or is it an inofficial EU Agency?”

Despite the close ties to governments, the lobbying group has a highly controversial past, according to critics. In the 1990s, for example, after international pressure and a global scandal erupted, the ILGA was forced to purge several groups from its membership ranks because their primary mission was promoting pedophilia. Among the more controversial members was the infamous North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a group which seeks to legalize and normalize pedophilia.

ILGA also fought a long battle to become an officially recognized “non-governmental organization” with the United Nations. Of course, it was repeatedly rejected for its myriad ties to supporters of pedophilia as member governments balked. Eventually pressure from European governments forced the UN to grant accreditation.

But questions about the lobbying group’s eligibility for official NGO status are now making headlines again, and some analysts expect the organization’s status to come up for review in the not-too-distant future. Indeed, ILGA fails to meet the UN’s own established criteria, one part of which states that a “major portion” of an NGO’s funding cannot come from governments.

When the EU taxpayer funding scandal first made headlines in December, concerned MEPs and organizations such as the U.S.-based Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-Fam) sounded the alarm. In essence, according to critics of the arrangement, the EU is just using taxpayer money to lobby itself while litigating in European courts and bullying member governments.

Read more: EU Funding of Homosexual Lobby with Pedophile Links Questioned

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