EU, US race to reward Israel’s massive human rights violations



HOW do writers get their inspiration? The manners are so different and even a meaningless sound heard or a non event can inspire someone to write either for our self gratification or destined to a broader audience. There are prolific writers, prophets, poets and philosophers and many of them aim at the good of humankind, some only at a selected part of mankind and other simply do not give a damn at the welfare of humanity and its environment, and there are those like me who despite the fact that they do not master the language and has an average ‘intelligent quotient’, and even an insufficient memory, tries to their best of their ability to learn by reading at great expense, experience, armed with a genuine will to find the truth, with sincerity and honesty, always with an open mind, by going beyond the norms, the accepted standards of society, nations, religions and even beyond faith systems and God. All this contribute to the freedom of the individual, but most of us do not belong to the free world as we ignore who we are, what we stand for, why we are here on this earth among the Godly and the Evil ones, what is the real purpose of life, including our own, and how powerful we are or can be.

WHY write and waste our time, energy and resources if the Message is not one of HOPE? Yet all our efforts seem to be wasted and in vain because the human mind is under the control of hidden forces. Most of us really believe that there is nothing else than what our senses can perceive. I see humankind wasting itself by living as slaves and getting distracted by the illusions of happiness through their addiction to Hollywood, Bollywood, Beauty Contests, the UNO, the Olympics, Sports, Golf, Tennis, Football, popular music, television, newspapers, magazines, the public school system, the Godless State, the usurious Banking System, economics, established false, corrupted and manufactured religions that make us stop thinking, understanding, and being a fully conscious Universal Being.

ESTABLISHED Roman Christianity was an abomination, but most Catholics would disagree. Yet, it is indeed a creation of the Devil, a reptilian abominable class, a business and Imperial Corporation to terrorise us and rip off the fruits of our daily labour and even of our souls and to enslave us forever. See the hideous gargoyles in their churches and cathedrals! Islam liberated both man and woman, freed the slave and catapulted the Believers in space and time in search of knowledge, to the farthest corners of the planet, in space beyond the planets, the stars, the galaxies, and even to conquer space, time, gravity, energy, sound, wave, and above all to conquer THE SELF. Here, Islam differs from most other religions or philosophies as the command is to CONQUER THE SELF while, for example, in “Hinduism” or Vedantism the aim is SELF-REALIZATION. The Christian West “respects” the Self, but Muslims fight it! There is a war going on our souls but this is rarely acknowledged as we are indoctrinated in a system where the soul is said to be inexistent. Modern humans are soulless and therefore there is no such thing as universalism, unity, compassion, kindness, love, faith and courage, and no evil, no good. Is good only what the Godless State says is good? As for evil, this is said to have a religious connotation and has therefore to remain in the individual realm and separated from public life, a trick of the Evil one whose adepts call secularism, separation of Church and State, laïcité, etc.

BOTH Christianity and Islam failed in their mission to bring the Message to the whole world because at one point of their evolution they stopped abiding by the rules: the search of truth that was to set them free. So, they soon found themselves to live in a world full of lies, racists, dishonest and murderous creatures and they got so used to be lied to and to do evil things on a daily basis that when you come to them with THE TRUTH or an invitation to open their minds and THINK, they turn their backs on you in the name of both Jesus and Islam. Both Christians and Muslims get involved in worldly politics, join armies of assassins and the bogus electoral system, and all the systems that have only evil aims: the stealing of the world and its resources, the enslavement of all humanity, the dehumanisation of the species, the perversion of our ways of life, the destruction of all morality, and dragging civilisation down the drain. Americans have been so dumbed down by the public school system (meant to do exactly that!) that they have much difficulty in growing out of their childish mentality that they have acquired in public citadels of slavery called schools or in their respective Churches of abominations in that they all, almost, work for Satan, that is, Caesar, the Satanic powers that rule over us.


THERE is always a teacher and a student and the teacher is also a student unless he cloaks himself in arrogance. A teacher is not a repeater of what he was taught by other teachers and institutions of slavery and mind control, but what he understood from the teachings of others, ancient, past and present, and what he imparts to us in total freedom and not within a National Curriculum established by Satan and his minions . Do people from the future visit us beyond our earthly concept of space and time? More and more people, including highly educated and trained human beings, are delving into that ‘new’ idea that was reality among the most ancient civilisations on earth. Much is known about other dimensions and other worlds, but the rulers of the world have a terrible weapon: democratic secrecy and national security. This has made us live in a world of lies and hidden truths for at least the best part of the last century where it seems very likely that the most technologically advanced amongst us have sold their souls to the Devil or to other out of the world powers in order to acquire mastership over space, time, energy, gravity, and kingship over all nations of the world..

ISLAM and the Muslim Traditions command the Believer to go to the farthest corners of the earth to acquire knowledge, that is, SCIENCE, but this requires understanding, sincerity, honesty, loyalty, perseverance, endurance, and above all EFFORTS, that is, JIHAAD, and, of course, the full use of grey matter as well as of the heart, the real seat of understanding at a transcendental level. Today, Islam is still 100% intact although more than 1400 years have passed, but it has no driving force except in a variety of its interpretations by the lovers of Islam and its adversaries alike. For example, when we hear a well meaning Muslim say that Islam forbids dancing and music, there is some truth in this, but THE PROHIBITION IS CLEARLY AN INVENTION! Usury is surely banned in Islam, yet, the Muslims practice or accepts usury in their daily lives despite the fact that it is anti-Islamic. So, Islam as practiced by Muslims today is a made-up religion to the detriment of humanity as it was meant for the entire of humanity and not only for Muslims!

ASK a Muslim if he believes in re-incarnation, his answer will be a straight NO! Why? Did Islam say so? No! It is a reading, an interpretation which allows no questioning in the matter. But, what if there are such things as past lives? What if the soul has a longer life than one life? Islam promises us to be resurrected after our physical death, but the question remains: will it be a physical resurrection? Obviously, it can’t be! My good friend Barry Lyndon is saddened by the fact that I do not believe in re-incarnation although I would never say that this is impossible. However, I disagree with the Vedantic nature of re-incarnation as this does not make much sense to me, but I make no claim.

TELL modern humans that they are ruled by OCCULT MONSTERS while they are all distracted by the world leaders who are mere puppets of those hidden rulers, and they will laugh at you! Yet, they have spent more than half a century electing dictators that have all been selected by the occult rulers running organisations like the UNO (and its tentacles like WHO, WTO, IMF, etc.), the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, the Knights of Malta, the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Rhodes, Fullbright and Rothschild tax exempted foundations and oligarchies, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Skulls and Bone, the Club of Rome, NATO, CIA, NSA, NASA, MI5, MI6, and so on. All other rulers and leaders who the Occult government does not approve of have been eliminated, assassinated and their countries even destroyed, “bombed back to the Dark European Ages” they love to boast!

THIS PHENOMENON is quite new as Europe did not yet rule the world. Islamic rule was independent of other systems. But, with the conquest of all Muslim lands, Roman rule has prevailed with all the ugliness of its past political systems and degenerate rulers. After World War II, we saw a sudden change in the rulership of the world. We saw more and more wars, more mass slaughter, more plunder, more human sacrifice, more blood, more perversity, more Caligulas, as if Satan himself had taken over the whole world. I know that MOSSAD and ISRAELIST military run wild in the Pentagon, the General Global Head Quarters of Human Sacrifice of the planet, and come and go uninvited and as they please. They own the Congress, the Senate, the IRS, the CIA and the White House. According to some “ABOVE TOP SECRET” sources, the Gods have come down and have been helping them since WWII to attack and destroy Korea, South East Asia, Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Jordan, Kashmir (with Indian help), Latin America, but mainly the Arab and Muslim countries – and STEAL ALL THE GOLD AND OTHER PRECIOUS RESOURCES.

EXODUS is a fascinating Book of the Ancient although it is itself based on more ancient knowledge and civilisations. It is in there that I learned about the Lethal Alien Gods who imposed themselves of the Israelites and who feed TO THIS VERY DAY on our gold and anything that was precious on our earth! But, who knows or wants to know the real truth? In the so-called New Testament, we have a Book called the APOCALYPSE (a second one was banned!), but this Greek title has seen its meaning distorted to such an extent that today very few of us know what it really means. It has come to mean total destruction on a massive global scale. Yet, its meaning is more innocent than that. It simply means REVELATION! We reveal only what is hidden and there are so many hidden things. Islam is the only religion that speaks of a UNIQUE GOD WITH NO PARTNERS AT ALL. Judaism, Chrsitianism and Hindusim have Gods, Goddesses, deities, demigods, saints and idols by the tons. A recent Goddess in (not of) Christendom is Lady Gaga! Another God is democracy! The New Age, New Atheists, Ufologists and Kundalinists have espoused the religion according to which we are all Gods or engineered by GENE MANIPULATING GOD SCIENTISTS from existing lower life forms and not by THE GOD AS IN ISLAM, and that the same Gods will change our DNA soon, probably by 21 December 2012, and make a NEW HYBRID SPECIES for which they say they are preparing or have already prepared themselves! The lucky ones! But, they still cannot tell us where the lower life forms come from because they are all messed up with their new religious or spiritual theories about the human species!

DNA is the new magic term that has replaced terms like Prophets, Messiah, etc. The new fads are: energy, vibration, infinite love, re-incarnation, chakra, kundalini, ayahuasca, ufos (even when they have already been identified!), Gods, extra-terrestrials, cosmic, galactic, star gates, portals, transcendental meditation, hybrid new species, but all this mind-boggling stuff (although much of it is true) does not prove there is no CREATOR THAT IS UNIQUE AND HAS NO PARTNERS! Past regression has confirmed the very existence of the Galilean Jesus Christ and even his crucifixion when I am saying and insisting that I cannot find any historical record that such a figure ever existed! Adepts to this new DNA E.T. CULT come mostly from disillusioned Christians, apostates, etc. But, I found out that we do not have to and should not stop being Christians or Muslims when confronted to those realities when they are proven to be true. This does not put into question the existence of a God Creator, Loving, Beneficent, Merciful and Just that inspired men like Jesus and Muhammad have said to exist inside ourselves. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN US!

CHRISTIANITY had a big problem right from the start. When its Roman establishment saw a SPARK OF GOD in humans, it called it God Itself whereas Islam called it God’s. Like Hindus before them, Christians made both humans and the Spirit of Truth into Gods and Goddesses, Jesus, Mary and the Holy Spirit, all three partners and associated with or making one with the Father. There is so much corruption in both the Old and New Testaments that it is impossible to convince Christians that their faith is based on weak foundations although in many cases they can still make better human beings of many of us and even great human beings. Islam, on the other hand is based on more solid foundations that nobody has been able to shake or destroy for over 1400 years, but although it has made better human beings of millions of us, yet, it has produced in our modern times too few great humans and top intellectuals with an open mind. Too much faith in a certain interpretation of Islam, which in my view is wrong, not because I am well versed in Islamic matters, but because I can clearly see the results for myself. If I were to apply the Gospel criterion according to which only a good tree can produce good fruits, I would be tempted to say that Islam is a rotten tree! But, I have learned that this is not the case, unless we agree that Eve was a rotten tree to have produced a murderer!.

SATAN’S biggest weapon of mass deception is NATIONAL SECURITY, that dreadful weapon that makes the American, for example, who wrongly thinks he is free, a total stranger to his own family and often its worst enemy. He lives a whole life of lies with his loved ones in the name of National Security! He is a pervert, a clown, a buffoon and a mad man! Thank God, Satan had not yet invented National Security when Jesus and Muhammad visited us otherwise they would have been silenced for good or until they were too old that nobody would have even paid attention to them when they started “whistleblowing”! There are so many fake or deluded whistle blowers around and they are on a mission to confuse further the masses! It is true that the Romans and the Jews has a radical form of National Security that they used to gag Jesus: CRUCIFIXION! As for Muhammad, the Jews used poison, but this did not prevent him from completing his mission!

AMERICANS have the right to keep AND BEAR arms, but they have not yet understood what it means to bear arms! They have been living under tyranny and a totalitarian Bolshevik Dictatorship for quite some time, at least since 1913, and do not react APPROPRIATELY! At least one of their Presidents used to boast that he trained his BOYS TO KILL INDIANS! Today, all the presidents after JFK have been training their BOYS AND GIRLS TO MURDER DEFENCELESS MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN AND BABIES ABROAD BY THE MILLIONS! One of the reasons why I despise the American military is because I have seen them at work in Latin America, in the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Africa, Indonesia, the Middle East, Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, the Balkans, Germany, and the list is very long. They are Evil, and part of the Armies of Satan. While pretending they are deeply religious or Christian, they show no reverence to God or to Jesus, to life, to our planet, neighbour, freedom, justice and morality! When the bloody hell are these cowards and degenerates going to use their arms to defend their own country against the domestic enemy? What are they waiting for? I mean the military and militia? Their love for money and their own comfort blinds them!


CHECK how many of those slaves are involved in SECRET, TOP SECRET, ABOVE TOP SECRET, COSMIC TOP SECRET AND OTHER SECRET JOBS? Whether it is willingly, or through bribe, blackmail, FBI death threats on the persons of their loved ones, terrorist tactics, drugs since childhood, induced trauma since childhood, human sacrifice (COINTELPRO). The masses are shown only the tip of the iceberg and because they have been dumbed down they do not react! Many speak more and more of Alien entities roaming the corridors of power in the West. Others speak of reptilian humanoids. But, we, religious people, tend to believe and say that the Anti-Christ is already here or the Dajjals (Antichrists) and they are the ones, the DEMONS, who are controlling everything! But, does the name really matter? The fact is that the rulers are depriving us from technology that we paid for and that is 100 years more advanced than the crap they are giving out to us not to improve us but to destroy us! The masses are totally unaware of what is happening in secret laboratories and underground cities where the stolen trillions go to finance research on free energy, gravity, anti-matter, the conquest of time and space, and so on. Many top military have come out confirming this as well as of their successes in several domains. Keep an eye on Australia, Canada and New Zealand because there are so many secret bases there. Did you know that Americans can fly in and out in absolute freedom of all their bases throughout the world without the people ever being informed of it or the respective governments being notified? This is the ULTIMATE TOTALITARIAN REGIME that has to be destroyed if humanity wants to survive! For those who remember Northwood, we have today thousands of Lemnitzers in the US military! So, you are warned!

Wednesday 1st of August 2012

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