European supply vessel docks with International Space Station

The vessel, dubbed “Edoardo Amaldi” after the Italian physicist and
space flight pioneer, is the third ATV Europe has contributed to the ISS

The first docked with the space station in early 2008. A second docked early
last year.

It was the first European mission to resupply the ISS since the US space
shuttle fleet was retired last July.

Edoardo Amaldi was launched aboard an Ariane-5 rocket from ESA’s launch centre
in Kourou, French Guiana on the northeast coast of South America on March

It will remain attached to the space station until August as astronauts remove
its cargo and fill it with rubbish from the station.

It will then be thrust back toward earth, burning up on re-entry. Any
remaining debris will be targeted to a remote area of the Pacific Ocean.

The ATV has more cargo capacity than Japan’s HTV vessel also used to supply
the ISS and over twice the capacity of a Russia’s Progress vehicle.

American start-up SpaceX – brainchild of PayPal co-founder Elon Musk – has
scheduled its first supply mission to the ISS aboard its Dragon spacecraft
in late April.

The ATV will also be used as a ‘space jack’. Residual gravity from the earth
causes the space station to fall about 1.5 miles a month. The vessel will
ignite thrusters to lift the station back to a higher altitude.

ATV was developed by the ESA as part of a barter arrangement with the US space
agency Nasa.

Instead of paying cash for its share of the station’s operating costs and also
to secure additional astronaut access, ESA is providing the ATV and other

A full ATV mission costs between 450 and 500 million euros ($585-650 million),
the ATV spacecraft itself accounting for around 350 million euros ($450
million), the ESA said.

The space station is a $150 billion project by 15 nations. Modular in design,
most of the elements were transported aboard American space shuttles or
Russian heavy-lift rockets. A final ISS element is scheduled to be delivered
in late 2013 using a Russian Proton rocket.

China has so far not participated in the ISS preferring to concentrate on its
own planned space station, though preliminary talks have indicated a
possible change of policy.

Source: agencies

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