Ex-UK foreign secretary resigns as MP

The elder of the Miliband brothers announced on Wednesday that he was quitting as MP for South Shields and moving to New York to take up the position of president and chief executive of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).

In a letter to his constituency party chairman, he said it was “very difficult” for him to be leaving UK politics.

David Miliband’s departure comes more than two years after he was beaten to the Labour party leadership by his younger brother Ed.

David Miliband, who worked as a key Downing Street advisor to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for years, was widely tipped as the front- runner for the Labour leadership but narrowly missed out to Ed.

The election in September 2010 caused tensions between the two and David refused to serve in Ed Miliband’s shadow cabinet.

David Miliband also admitted life had been “tough” since losing the top party position to his brother.

His decision to work for the charity will mean a by-election in South Shields constituency, a safe Labour seat he has represented since June 2001.

The IRC, which was founded in 1933, offers lifesaving care and life-changing assistance to refugees.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/03/27/295446/exuk-foreign-secretary-resigns-as-mp/

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