Expedia Now Accepts Bitcoin For Your Crypto-Vacations

Expedia Now Accepts Bitcoin For Your Crypto-Vacations

News Link  •  Bitcoin


Another day, another company accepting bitcoin in an attempt to cash in on the craze. This time it’s Expedia the travel booking site that’s accepting the virtual currency for hotel bookings. They’re working directly with Coinbase to accept and then convert the BTC into dollars as soon as they hit the travel agent’s coffers.

“While they haven’t officially announced anything aside from hotels,
Expedia does plan to eventually expand bitcoin payments to its other
lines of business including flights, activities, car rentals, etc as
well,” wrote an Expedia spokesperson. “The biggest question is really
just around when – and the timing all depends on how well it goes with
hotels to start.”

Expedia chose to support hotels first because they saw the “most
demand” in the space. It was good starting point because Expedia already
allowed customers to pay for hotel rooms on the site rather than at the
hotel, making it easier for the site to accept bitcoin and then pass
the cash on to hotel owners.

Like PayPal before it, these bitcoin announcements are a way of
showing that a company is hip and “with it.” Bitcoin fans, on the other
hand, see this adoption as proof their coins are gaining traction. 

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Source Article from http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/157484-2014-06-13-expedia-now-accepts-bitcoin-for-your-crypto-vacations.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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