Eyewitnesses call Israel military raid on West Bank a ‘war’

Injured Palestinians are taken to hospital with ambulances after Israeli forces raid Jenin, West Bank on June 19, 2023 [Nedal Eshtayah - Anadolu Agency]

The Palestinians who witnessed the Israeli army raid on Monday in the northern West Bank city of Jenin, which killed six Palestinians and injured 91 others, likened it to a "war", Anadolu Agency reports. Mohammed Abu Hatab, 39, a resident of Jenin, told Anadolu on Tuesday that they woke up early in the morning to the sound of heavy gunfire, thinking "there was a war". "It lasted for almost 10 hours. Our house was hit by bullets. Then, there was bombardment by a helicopter. The sound of the bombardment was terrible. The explosions never stopped," he recalled the moments with horror. Hatab said their personal vehicles were also damaged by the raiding soldiers. Mahmud Sadi, another resident of the region, […] Source

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