Facebook changed its hate speech detector algorithm after finding 9 of 10 instances involved anti-white hatred

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Facebook has once again proven that it, like every other major social media platform, is nothing more than a propaganda tool aimed at destroying America as founded because its staff consists of left-wing haters who have no idea how dangerous our world will become without the United States.

According to Information Liberation, last year Facebook altered its “race-blind” hate speech detection algorithm specifically to allow more anti-white hatred to be posted to the platform. The Washington Post noted:

The overhaul, which is known as the WoW Project and is in its early stages, involves re-engineering Facebook’s automated moderation systems to get better at detecting and automatically deleting hateful language that is considered “the worst of the worst,” according to internal documents describing the project obtained by The Washington Post. The “worst of the worst” includes slurs directed at Blacks, Muslims, people of more than one race, the LGBTQ community and Jews, according to the documents.

In the first phase of the project, which was announced internally to a small group in October, engineers said they had changed the company’s systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about “Whites,” “men” and “Americans.” Facebook still considers such attacks to be hate speech, and users can still report it to the company. However, the company’s technology now treats them as “low-sensitivity” — or less likely to be harmful — so that they are no longer automatically deleted by the company’s algorithms. That means roughly 10,000 fewer posts are now being deleted each day, according to the documents.

In a follow-up report last week, WaPo reported that an “April 2020 document said that roughly 90 percent of ‘hate speech’ subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men.”

Got it? So most hate speech on Facebook (and truth be told the other major social media platforms as well) is being directed at whites, not whites directing hate speech to minorities, which is the lie that the mainstream media and Leftist Democrats constantly push on the country.

As such, Facebook’s engineers obviously viewed their original algorithm as a failure of the system and thus it must now be changed to allow more anti-white hatred to be posted.

The Post reported:

Facebook spokesman Andy Stone defended the company’s decisions around its hate speech policies and how it conducted its relationship with the civil rights auditors.

He said progress on racial issues included policies such as banning white nationalist groups, prohibiting content promoting racial stereotypes — such as people wearing blackface or claims that Jews control the media — and reducing the prevalence of hate speech to 0.03 percent of content on the platform.

“The Worst of the Worst project helped show us what kinds of hate speech our technology was and was not effectively detecting and understand what forms of it people believe to be the most insidious,” Stone said in a statement.

Of course.

According to the Post, it appears as though Facebook’s left-wing engineers went into the project under the false assumption that whites are ‘inherently racist.’

“These findings about the most objectionable content held up even among self-identified White conservatives that the market research team traveled to visit in Southern states. Facebook researchers sought out the views of White conservatives in particular because they wanted to overcome potential objections from the company’s leadership, which was known to appease right-leaning viewpoints, two people said,” the paper reported.

“Yet racist posts against minorities weren’t what Facebook’s own hate speech detection algorithms were most commonly finding,” the paper noted, adding:

The algorithm was aggressively detecting comments denigrating White people more than attacks on every other group, according to several of the documents. One April 2020 document said roughly 90 percent of “hate speech” subject to content takedowns were statements of contempt, inferiority and disgust directed at White people and men…

We can’t have a situation where the lie about white people being so racist is exposed — can we?


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