Facebook Post Seals Guinness World Record

Facebook broke a Guinness World Record this week — and no, this doesn’t have to do with the company’s much-anticipated IPO.

Fans of the Zynga game FrontierVille sought and set a World Record, posting over 1,001,600 comments on a single item. If nothing else gives away the string of more than 1 million comments, the name of the group — Ffgpioneers/gwr/attempt — states the purpose of the charade was to land in The Guinness Book of World Records.

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Tracey Hodgson’s Oct. 30, 2011 post received comments from 107 FrontierVille fans over the last three months, more than doubling the previous record set by Italy’s Roberto Esposito, according to Guinness World Records.

The record setting post read, “hi all!!! , hope everyone is ok today , this is ‘the one’, please talk about anything you like here, whatever you want to talk about, change topic whenever you like also, just have fun , . so how are you all today?( please someone speak quick or i’ll have no nails left!!!) 😉 x x x.”

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Hodgson says she took up FrontierVille after her daughter started playing on her Facebook account. She wanted to set the record to show the strength of the FrontierVille community, with which she had become deeply involved.

“I began to play myself, and then got involved in helping with the game’s community groups as an administrator,” she told Guinness. “My friend Nattie Murphy saw the previous record and suggested I try to break it — it sounded like a great idea for our group to show what we are capable of when we work together”

According to Hodgson, the record was set largely due to four of the 107 commenters.

What do you think, is this a proud display of the FrontierVille community’s unity or a big waste of time? Let us know in the comments.

BONUS: 10 Classic Video Games You Can Play Online for Free

1. The Oregon Trail

The game that made dysentery fun was released as a Facebook app last February, much to the delight of grown-up school children everywhere. It’s now social, of course, but the decision whether to ford the river is all your won.

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This story originally published on Mashable here.

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