Fallout from tweet in Alberta election points to perils of social media

The fallout from a tweet a sent by a Conservative staffer in Alberta is serving as a warning about the dangers of mixing politics and social media.

In recent campaigns Twitter and Facebook have been hailed as key ways to reach voters _ but there are major risks involved.

Mark Evans, a Toronto-based social media expert, says many political staffers fail to understand that Twitter isn’t a private discussion board where anything goes _ it’s a public forum with consequences.

He says there continue to be people working in Canadian politics who are either ill-equipped or uninformed about how to use social media.

Alberta Premier Alison Redford‘s election campaign was thrown into damage control mode on Saturday after a staffer sent a tweet mocking her chief rival _ Wildrose leader Danielle Smith _ for not having children.

Amanda Wilkie, the staffer who sent the tweet, was forced to apologize and eventually resigned over the controversy.

Wilkie was responding to a series of recent announcements by Smith promising more tax help and money for families with children in school.

“If @elect Danielle likes young and growing families so much, why doesn’t she have children of her own? #wrp family pack = insincere #abvote,” read the tweet.

On Saturday afternoon, Redford told reporters she was offended by the attack on Smith and phoned to apologize.

Earlier Saturday, Smith responded in a news release, saying she and husband David Moretta wanted to have kids when they married in 2006.

“After a few years we sought help from the Calgary Regional Fertility Clinic. I appreciated the support and assistance of the caring staff as we went through tests and treatments, but in the end we were not successful,” said Smith in the release.

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