Fans, players brawl in Qld league finals

Fans and players have clashed in brawls on the field after two junior rugby league finals.

Supporters ran onto the ground to brawl with players in two separate incidents after the under-15 and under-18 grand finals on Saturday, according to the Greater Brisbane Junior Rugby League.

The league’s operations manager, Shane McNally, said an investigation would uncover those involved in the scuffles at the ground in Wacol.

“In both cases the games were finished and players were shaking hands and there was a bit of argy-bargy between the players and then people entered the field of play and got involved,” Mr McNally said.

“It will take some time but, now the season’s finished, there’s no urgency to determine any results out of the investigation. So we’ll make sure we do it carefully so the people who deserve to be suspended will be punished.”

Mr McNally said he was unsure whether any parents of the players were involved in the brawl.

“There were a lot of people involved, particularly in the 18s game, and the ones I saw come onto the field wouldn’t have been old enough to be parents,” he said.

The supporters involved in the brawl could face fines or bans, Mr McNally said.

A Queensland Police spokeswoman confirmed that officers were called to a ground at Wacol on Saturday afternoon but said the brawl had dispersed by the time they arrived.

No one had made an assault complaint to police, she said.

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