Father of blind children still jailed after 5 months without any charge

Maan News Agency | Aug 1, 2012

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Ihab Abu al-Jedyan is one of dozens of Palestinians from Gaza detained during interviews with Israeli security forces to secure a permit to visit the West Bank.

Abu Al-Jedyan, 35, is the father to two blind children who study at al-Shuroq school for the visually impaired in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

In February, Abu al-Jedyan applied to Israeli authorities for a permit to travel to the West Bank and collect his children, to bring them to his home in Gaza for the summer holidays.

Israeli security forces summoned him for an interview and detained him. He has been in an Israel’s Ashkelon prison for five months without charge, his brother Ahmed told Ma’an.

Abu Al-Jedyan’s children in Bethlehem told Ma’an they missed their father.

“Our father was going to visit us but the Israelis took him and we can’t see him. We miss our father, especially in Ramadan,” one of his sons said.

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