Father who killed burglar with meat cleaver was ‘justified’ coroner rules

  • Steven Shaw and his brother broke in and assaulted a taxi driver and his wife
  • Violence only stopped when Xiaopeng Wang hit Mr Shaw with a meat cleaver

Andy Dolan

08:35 EST, 27 March 2012


19:08 EST, 27 March 2012

Steven Shaw and his brother Craig (pictured) broke into a house in Morrell Bank on the Bestwood Estate

Craig Shaw (pictured) admitted aggravated burglary in December and was jailed for eight-and-a-half years.

A terrified father who killed a burglar by hitting him in the head with a meat cleaver was justified in his actions, a coroner ruled yesterday.

Xiaopeng Wang had been bludgeoned with a wheel brace and his wife punched in the face as she cradled their two-year-old daughter after Steven Shaw and his brother Craig raided their home on a notorious estate in the middle of the night.

A court heard the brothers subjected taxi driver Mr Wang and his family to a ‘harrowing and brutal attack’ lasting 15 minutes.

The violence stopped only when Mr Wang, now 33, found a meat cleaver and hit Steven Shaw with it, causing a ‘sharp force trauma’ to his head. The burglar, 32, was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital.

Police initially launched a murder inquiry and arrested four people, including Mr and Mrs Wang, now 32, and the victim’s brother. But no charges were ever brought against the couple after it was accepted Mr Wang had acted in self-defence.

Police established the brothers had been targeting another person they thought lived at the address. When they realised they had the wrong victim, they decided to demand money from the Wangs anyway.

Craig Shaw, 21, later admitted aggravated burglary and was jailed for eight-and-a-half years in December. Sentencing him at Nottingham Crown Court, Judge Michael Stokes said Mr Wang had been ‘fully entitled’ to pick up the cleaver to defend his family.

The incident happened after Mr Wang was marched into the sitting room of his home on Nottingham’s Bestwood Estate to get cash for the burglars. He hit Shaw with the cleaver a number of times as the burglar attacked his wife and daughter.

Recording a verdict of lawful killing at an inquest in Nottingham on Monday, coroner Mairin Casey said: ‘The defensive action taken by Mr Wang was proportionate and justified.

‘This was a harrowing and brutal experience for them, and I understand they are still traumatised.’

The inquest heard Steven Shaw punched Mrs Wang in the face and pulled her hair to force her to watch as her husband was assaulted. He was left with blood streaming into his eyes from a head wound.

Steven Shaw and his brother Craig broke into a house in Morrell Bank (pictured) on the Bestwood Estate in Nottingham in March last year

Steven Shaw and his brother Craig broke into a house in Morrell Bank (pictured) on the Bestwood Estate in Nottingham in March last year

Toxicology reports found traces of cocaine and alcohol in Shaw’s bloodstream.

Miss Casey said: ‘Mr Wang and his family were subjected to extreme violence and trauma. In the course of the action, Mr Wang assaulted Steven Shaw, causing catastrophic injuries which led to his death.’

A spokesman for the Crown Prosecution Service said: ‘When deciding whether to prosecute any offence, the CPS will consider the Code for Crown Prosecutors and any relevant guidance. The CPS has published guidelines concerning the reasonable use of force in cases where householders choose to defend themselves or their property.

‘In this case, these guidelines were applied and the CPS accepted that the householder had acted in self-defence, and that the correct course of action was to proceed with charges of aggravated burglary against the intruder and to take no further action against the householder.’

Residents in the street where the attack took place said police moved the Wangs to a secret location after the incident, telling their former neighbours: ‘You won’t be seeing them again.’

A spokesman for Nottinghamshire Police said yesterday the family remained ‘very traumatised’ and had since moved out of the region to make a fresh start.

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At last,a judge who has judged.

Bizarre and sad that this makes the courts in the most palpable case of self-defense I’ve ever read in a paper…I think I speak for most right minded people when I say that if you come into my house with an intent to do harm to me or my family, you forfeit your right to life. Anyone disagree??
– Jim, Moscow, 28/3/2012 01:02 ———————- I disgree on the basis that I don’t feel we have the right to kill people Jim. If that should happen necessarily during the course of an assault, then I am prepared to forgive it, but I really do not think we should START from the premise that we have the right to take somebody’s life. I knew a policeman once who told me that anyone who burgled his house would end up with a knife in his heart; he said, ‘do you really think that I don’t have one large knife in my house that doesn’t match all the rest….. and that the burglar brought with him to threatened me with?’ …………. SCARY!

“A Daniel come to judge.” May we have more such judgements.

If the authorities are unable to protect its people then the people have the right to protect themselves. No amount of PC bleeding hearts legislation could ever undermine this natural condition…not even in Britain!

Why are people still allowed to own these deadly meat clevers? just like guns they should all be banned!
– Shelly, Yorkshire , 27/3/2012 23:53
I got the sarcasm. Sorry about all those red arrows from the idiots.

– Marko, Joensuu, Finland, 28/3/2012 00:15
Sorry but the burglars at that age know right from wrong, Is it our fault these morons were drunk and high on drugs NO! They are stupid and dumb enough to take them. If anyone broke in to my house harming my children or family I would do exactly the same.
Sorry but I am on Mr Wangs side, Pity he can’t take a few more with him on the way.

Yes, they did assault the lady in the house, but she could have ran away. The husband, who worked as a taxidriver, hence had experienced similar occations, could have called the police, thrown something, screamed, anything. The cleaver as a weapon was premediated and cruel
Marko, Joensuu, Finland, 28/3/2012 00:15
You can’t be serious! I hope for your own sake no high crazy drug addicts break into your home and start beating you with a heavy metal wheel brace until your eyes are bleeding.
After this kind of attack, which i’m sure would leave most people terrified for their own lives, your suggesting that they calmly run away and call the police?
These people went into a house armed with a potentially leathal weapon and were already using it.
seems like he had an opportuninty to defend against the attackers, if I had them same chance I know for sure i’d want the biggest heaviest thing I have. Not to kill but be sure to immobilse them, don’t want to make them more angry.

Gee,maybe Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should read this reguarding the highly publisised Treyvon Martin situation.That is fast reaching a boiling point here in the USA

the judge shall also put mr. shaw parents to jail too, they also held part of the blame, they didnot teach their sons what is right and wrong.

Bizarre and sad that this makes the courts in the most palpable case of self-defense I’ve ever read in a paper…I think I speak for most right minded people when I say that if you come into my house with an intent to do harm to me or my family, you forfeit your right to life. Anyone disagree??

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