Fifth death on NSW roads in two days

A 62-year-old man has died after being hit by a van in northern NSW, marking the fifth death on the state’s roads in the past two days.

The man was hit by a commercial van at the intersection of Crown and Matthews streets in West Tamworth about 5.45am (AEST) on Saturday, police said.

The driver stopped and tried to help but the man died at the scene.

His death comes after four were killed on the state’s roads on Friday.

At around 10pm (AEST), a truck driver died when his semi rolled down an embankment north of Sydney.

Emergency services were called to a road near the Colo Bridge at about 10pm (AEST) on Friday but the driver was found dead at the scene, police said.

Six hours earlier, in Sydney’s southwest, a woman died after her car collided head-on with another vehicle on the Camden Bypass at Narellan in Sydney’s southwest just after 4pm (AEST).

She died at the scene but another woman, 50, was taken to Liverpool Hospital in a stable condition with chest and abdominal injuries, CareFlight said in a statement.

Meanwhile, at about 2.30pm a motorcyclist in his 40s was killed when his bike and a truck collided about 3km south of Casino in the state’s north.

Earlier, a 23-year-old woman was killed when her car and a fully laden concrete truck crashed into each other at Yamba, on the north coast, at about 7.20am.

Police said she died in the crash.

Anyone who witnessed any of the crashes is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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