Film director James Cameron leads submarine race to the bottom of the Mariana Trench

Mr Cameron’s team members are sworn to public secrecy and his office refused
to comment.

But his vessel and ambitions are considered credible by experts including
retired US Navy Captain Don Walsh, one of the two-man crew who emerged from
the earth’s floor as heroes after their nerve-racking voyage to Challenger
Deep aboard the bathyscaphe Trieste in 1960. He has given the mission – and
the man he dubs “Cousteau on steroids” – his blessing.

“Jim is a remarkable guy who’s never trained as an engineer but has an
intuitive grasp of engineering details that far surpass a lot of the
professionals I’ve known,” Capt Walsh, 80, told The Sunday Telegraph.

“He hasn’t wasted a lot of time trumpeting to the world, ‘We’re going to
do this.’ He wants to make sure he’s got it right and then he’ll tell the
world. He’s a pretty high profile person and he doesn’t want to screw up

He added: “More men have gone to the Moon than to the deepest point on
Earth. They went with rockets and fire up their a**es and walked around in
funny suits planting flags. With diving, you just disappear quietly into the
depths and hope you come back up.”

Mr Cameron is a self-described “science junkie” whose passion for
ocean exploration inspired him to make the epic 1997 feature film Titanic,
the 2003 underwater documentary Ghosts of the Abyss, and in 2005 Aliens
of the Deep
, in which he joined Nasa scientists investigating submerged
mountain ranges in the Pacific and Atlantic.

Losing pressure in the passenger compartment would cause his battery-powered
vessel to implode. Even the tiniest leak would send a jet of water rushing
in at such high-pressure that it would slice the craft in half. “There
have been white-knuckle moments, complete power failures where we’ve had to
use emergency ballast systems to get back,” he admitted in an interview
with Popular Mechanics magazine last year, adding: “Yeah, your life is
at risk any time you go into a hostile environment like that – but you trust
the engineering.”

He has passed thousands of hours beneath the waves and has spent recent weeks
making final preparations in Australia, including testing documentary
cameras in Sydney Harbour.

Two other outfits have declared an intention to reach Challenger Deep, though
not in the immediate future, and Mr Branson is the only party to have
characterised the quest in competitive terms, stating when he unveiled the
Virgin Oceanic bid last April that Mr Welsh aimed to pilot the first solo
expedition there as part of a plan to dive to the deepest points in the
world’s five oceans.

Despite the outward signs of competition, Mr Cameron and Virgin Oceanic’s
teams – along with Triton Submarines and DOER, two other developers who have
their sights on the Mariana Trench in the longer-term – have assisted one
another’s progress.

“Of course there’s some desire behind each individual to be first but the
nice thing about working with Cameron is that we get to share some of the
technology together,” said Eddie Kisfaludy, Virgin Oceanic’s operations
manager. “Though the media has portrayed it as a race, it’s also been a
nice collaboration to share technologies and learn from each other.”

The company concedes that necessary design modifications have slowed the pace
of the Virgin bid. Mr Kisfauldy declined to specify when Virgin’s vessel
will be ready, but said that development of their craft was “moving on
nicely”, with its first trials in shallow water completed successfully.
He referred further enquiries to Mr Welsh, who did not respond to requests
for comment.

But Bruce Jones, chief executive of Triton Submarines, gave his own take on
progress. “Jim Cameron is going to be the first to get there,” he
said. “We don’t believe the Branson/Welsh project has legs; we think
there’s just one too many technical problems.”

Located in an industrial unit in Vero Beach, Florida, Triton is working on
developing larger submersibles that will open up the Mariana Trench, not
just to billionaire swashbucklers but to new generations of explorers,
scientists and $250,000-a-ticket deep-sea tourists.

“We don’t want something where we just go to the bottom and shout
‘Woo-hoo!’ and then put it in a museum like Cameron,” said Triton’s
vice-president Marc Deppe, sitting in the giant glass sphere that forms the
centrepiece of its submersible design.

“We hope we’re wrong about Branson, we hope they get to the point of
being able to make a successful dive.

“We want to bring the ocean to the world in an inspiring and sustained
way that will make kids go ‘Wow, I want to be an explorer, I want to know
more about the ocean.'”

It was on January 23 1960 that Capt Walsh and crewmate Jacques Piccard set the
ultimate deep-diving record, setting down their bathyscaphe – a 50ft craft
resembling a submarine but operated by a crude manual system of weights and
floats – at the lowest spot in the Mariana Trench.

Their journey challenged theories that life could not exist at such depth,
after they reported seeing fish and other organisms on the sea bed, and
refreshed scientific curiosity in the unique environment of the deep ocean.

Yet 52 years later, it – and much of the world’s other deep ocean environments
– remain an enigma.

“Less than two per cent of the oceans have been explored and yet what
could be down there? Maybe cures to degenerative diseases, maybe answers to
the world’s food problems,” said Mr Deppe.

“People fall in love with the adventure and the mystery of the ocean and
that’s what we want to give them.”

Triton is developing what it believes will prove the only multi-passenger
submarine capable of plunging the seven miles to Challenger Deep.

DOER Marine – a marine consulting firm founded by oceanographer and
environmentalist Dr Sylvia Earle and backed by Google’s executive chairman,
Eric Schmidt – is meanwhile working on new materials, technologies and
vehicles that will better equip scientists for observing deep environments
including the Mariana Trench, and assessing their health in the face of
man-made threats.

“From a scientific perspective, there is a sense of urgency because of
the increasing pressures upon the oceans – our collective life support
system,” said DOER’s president, Liz Taylor.

“Our hope is that the efforts of the ‘deep sea racers’ will serve a
greater good by way of inspiring people to stop and think of the oceans and
their importance in providing us all with a hospitable planet. In many
places the oceans are treated only as a supermarket or a sewer and in some
cases both. We need instead to think of the oceans as the big blue bank

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