Fines for spitting? Enfield Council pushes for right to fine those caught in the act

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:17 AM on 11th February 2012

Action: Enfield Council are hoping to persuade Communities Secretary Eric Pickles to argue with their proposals to fine people for spitting

Action: Enfield Council are hoping to persuade Communities Secretary Eric Pickles to argue with their proposals to fine people for spitting

A council is hoping to become the first area in Britain to ban spitting in public.

Enfield Council in North London has asked Communities Secretary Eric Pickles to approve a bye-law, after huge local support

More than 3,000 residents signed a petition in favour of a ban.

However, just four  people raised objections during a consultation period.

If Mr Pickles gives the thumbs-up, the council aims to have the ban in place within a month.

Council enforcement officers would be empowered to hand out fixed penalty notices – expected to be around £80 – to anyone caught spitting.

Those refusing to pay could face prosecution and a potential fine of up to £5,000.

Although the borough’s CCTV cameras would not be used to detect incidents of spitting, it is thought that film could be brought in evidence in any court cases.

Enfield councillor Chris Bond, environment member of the council’s cabinet, said: ‘Spitting is a truly disgusting habit and the vast majority of people are in favour of us banning it.

‘It is now up to the Government to decide whether or not we can ban spitting in this borough and I’d urge them to listen to the views of people living here and give us the ability to tackle this foul practice once and for all.’

Watch out: Anyone caught spitting in Enfield could be fined £80 should the proposals be accepted

Watch out: Anyone caught spitting in Enfield could be fined £80 should the proposals be accepted (Posed by models)

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About time something was done about people who spit in the street Youths do it like marking their territory. Its a disgusting habit, not clever, not necessary and very low rent.

I always shudder when I see people ‘gobbing’ on the floor. Nasty behaviour!
PS- Enfield is not in London! It’s in Middlesex, and doesn’t have a London postcode. Why they keep getting that wrong I don’t know! 🙂

There are times when it is appropriate to project something from your mouth. When you are cycling and a fly with dog mess on its feet or a bee find their way in there. But generally speaking there is no need and if you do need to then find a bin or a grid. The problem is, as usual, the inevitable council hitlers who are tasked with policing this will be unable to distinguish between need or otherwise. They will see this as another opportunity to milk the public for more contributions to their lucrative pension arrangements.

‘Spitting is Prohibited’ was a poster displayed in trains and elsewhere in the 1940’s and 50’s with a fine attached. It was a major cause of spreading diseases with an emphasis on TB and now TB is back in our country it should be relevant again to fine people with this disgusting habit.

Hope it includes the overpaid, over rated football players that need a real job.Cant turn on the telly to watch a match without seeing spit flying all over the place.Maybe if they kept it in there mouths then they wouldnt need to visit the touchline for a drink every 5 minutes.

As a kid,the only people seen spitting were old men who generally only spat out bits of tobbaco.
Now you see most teenage boys walking down the street spitting everywhere,basically because they think it makes them look hard and street wise,just like the idiot in the picture.

Good, I hope my local council brings it in and enforces it. This isn’t just confined to men, the number of woman that do so is disgusting. I confronted a woman at the bus stop one day after she spat on the pavement at my daughter’s feet. When I told her how she was spreading germs she laughed and said it ‘wasn’t her problem’.

What a waste of time. Whilst I agree it’s disgusting, who on earth thought up a figure like £80? Does anyone really think people will pay that? Oh, and how long before someone takes it to the ECHR stating it’s their Human right to be able to get rid of excess phlegm? Laughable – as usual.

– Leew, lancashire, 11/02/2012 06:09 surely if anyone is that bad they have to spit what is wrong with carrying tissues which they can get rid of when they get home

Yes, spitting in public is not only disgusting, it is also a health hazard. With a growing number of people being diagnosed with TB and HIV, it’s high time spitting is banned to never make a come back. Spit in a tissue of a hanky, but DON’T spit everywhere! People step in it and carry your germs home where it festers and causes al kinds of infections.

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