Flights rerouted to avoid N Korea rocket

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Asian airlines said they will divert planes from the intended flight path of North Korea’s rocket as shipping in the area was warned on Tuesday to beware of falling debris.

Japan’s two largest carriers, Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways said they will alter the route of flights between Tokyo and Southeast Asian cities including Manila, Jakarta and Singapore during the planned rocket launch window.

Philippine Airlines said it “plans to reroute some of its flights in view of the possible effects on a portion of Philippine territory of the satellite launch of North Korea within the month.”

The moves came as Philippine air control authorities declared a no fly zone in airspace where North Korea’s rocket was projected to pass, a Japanese transport ministry official told AFP.

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One Response to “Flights rerouted to avoid N Korea rocket”

  1. The Germans built the fist ballistic missiles back in 1943. North Korea makes their first roman candle after 70 years and the world acts like it’s the first day of armageddon.

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