Fortnum & Mason launches limited-edition Heinz can to mark Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

Anthony Bond

14:46 EST, 23 April 2012


01:11 EST, 24 April 2012

Celebration: Sales assistant Hitesh Motwani helps launch the Heinz limited edition vintage 1952 label beans cans for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee at Fortnum  Mason

Celebration: Sales assistant Hitesh Motwani helps launch the Heinz limited edition vintage 1952 label beans cans for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee at Fortnum Mason

As the Queen marks her Diamond Jubilee this year, numerous unique celebrations are taking place throughout the UK and the world.

But one famous store has decided to celebrate the occasion by going back in time to when the Queen first took to the throne.

Fortnum Mason today launched Heinz limited edition vintage 1952 cans at its store in London.

Customers will be able to purchase the popular product in celebration of the Queen’s 60 years on the throne.

Heinz varieties were first introduced in the store following a visit from the American businessman Henry J. Heinz in 1886.

His new bottled sauces and condiments proved such a success the Fortnum Mason buyer bought the lot.

The company’s first overseas office was later launched in London in 1896.

The celebration by the store comes after it emerged a prayer giving thanks for the ‘devoted service’ of the Queen to her country has been created by the Church of England.

The Diamond Jubilee Prayer, which was written under her direction by the chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral, will be used at the official Jubilee Thanksgiving Service at the cathedral on June 5 as well as other Jubilee events during the year.

The Church of England is also encouraging other denominations to use it.

The prayer has been released ahead of a ‘loyal address’ to the Queen to be given by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, at the start of the  General Synod meeting in London on Monday.

Vintage: The famous store has decided to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by going back in time to when the Queen first took to the throne. Pictured is the limited-edition can of Heinz baked beans

Vintage: The famous store has decided to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee by going back in time to when the Queen first took to the throne. Pictured is the limited-edition can of Heinz baked beans

The address coincides with the 60th anniversary of King George VI’s death and the Queen’s Accession to the throne.

One of Her Majesty’s formal titles is Supreme Governor of the Church of England, a role that reflects her deep personal  faith. In the prayer, the Queen is praised for her ‘faithful obedience’ to God.

It also gives ‘thanks and praise’ for blessing the nation with ‘our beloved and glorious Queen’ and her continuing ‘devoted service’ to her peoples in Britain and the Commonwealth.

Dedicated: Queen Elizabeth, pictured with Prince Philip, is celebrating 60 years on the throne this year

Dedicated: Queen Elizabeth, pictured with Prince Philip, is celebrating 60 years on the throne this year

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Nothing says Diamond Jubilee like baked beans.

I was turned on to Heinz Beanz 10 years ago by a fellow I worked with who had been stationed in England while serving in the US Air Force—I have been hooked ever since! It is quite difficult to find Heinz Beanz in the USA, but when I do, I buy a 12 pack. Can you say Heinz Beanz on buttered toast anyone?


How classy. (I fink one shall shop at ‘Arrods.)

I’ve been wondering what to buy my husband for his 60th birthday this year, I think I have just found the answer.

It’s just a lot of hot air!

If the Queen ends up consuming all that,she’ll spend another 60 years on the throne!

Will now be buying Branston beans instead. Not supporting this rubbish.

Trying to resist obvious joke.

Great idea ! Wish i had thought of it ..

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