Franco Vitaliano’s Exqor Nanotechnologies was being used to DIRECTLY target the CCR5 receptor!

I am roughing out a new series entitled “Project Sanguine” aka “Follow the Science: Fauci’s Nazi Transhumanist Scientists at Fort Detrick”. These articles have been on my mind a lot while writing “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda”, because this research takes us back to when these programs originated.

Our research has revealed that Franco Vitaliano Clathrin Nanotechnology was indeed being used to control the human body. 1 It was never intended to kill you but quite the opposite; it was being used to control your body’s machinery. To control you and bypass the pharmaceutical industry altogether! 2

“The use of generic antiretroviral drugs in Africa has caused AIDS treatment costs to plummet from $10,000 per person in 2000 to about $200 a year per person in 2004. In the future, generics are not what will cause such rapid price declines. But rather, rapid drug price declines will be produced by the disruptive effects of ExQor Technologies, Inc. harnessing NBIC.”

Furthermore, we were able to conclusively establish that Franco Vitaliano Exqor’s Clathrin Nanotechnology was directly targeting the CCR5 gene:  3

“Dr. Bruce Conklin at Gladstone Institutes at UCSF is assisting ExQor in developing special synthetic receptors for this novel targeted drug delivery system. Dr. Conklin 4 is a world-renowned researcher in RASSLs (Receptors Activated Solely by a Synthetic Ligand).” 5

“Dr. Conklin’s area of research includes how G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) control electrically active tissues. In tissues such as the heart and the brain, GPCRs orchestrate the intracellular biochemical signals with the actions of ion channels at the cell surface.” 6

Why is this important?

CCR5 is a 7 trans-membrane G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) that binds to multiple ligands. Which means Franco Vitaliano’s Exqor Nanotechnologies was being used to DIRECTLY target the CCR5 receptor! CCR5 gene is the door to your immune system. 7

Here is genomic expert Dr. Bruce Conklin commenting on the first CCR5 gene edited twin babies by Chinese researcher, He Jiankui, who edited the embryonic DNA by using CRISPR to disable a gene in the twins called CCR5 in order to make their cells immune to HIV infection. Conklin doesn’t sound too pleased: 8

“What’s done here is an edit in a fertilized egg, and this change will be passed down to children in perpetuity.”

“The medical need for this particular edit is really overstated. If it had gone to an ethics committee it wouldn’t have passed the first bar because it wouldn’t have been seen as medically necessary. With in vitro fertilization (IVF), the chances of passing on HIV are virtually zero. There really is no risk to the infants.”

“This is certainly a call to action within the international community – we have agreements, but we have to find ways to enforce them.”

“My fear is that this will be mixed up with non-germline therapeutic editing. We need to be able to distinguish from that and not lose momentum from ethical approaches just because there’s someone who’s a rogue scientist and breaking all the rules”

Do you need more proof? Ok well, alot of the research on Clathrin function was conducted using  “WTC10 human iPSC lines” developed by Dr. Bruce Conklin’s lab: 9 10 11

Oddly enough, none of the collaborations between Exqor Technologies and Dr. Bruce Conklin appear on the web?

You see, HIV was about blood infections. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) was formerly called the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) that had intimate ties to the American Red Cross and the CDC. At the time, Hemophiliacs were easily contaminated with HIV tainted blood products so the NHF controlled the blood banks themselves! They ALL worked together! 12 

The consequences of this collaboration are particularly tragic, as thousands of HIV-positive hemophiliacs were now encouraged to take the deadly AZT to prevent AIDS from the hypothetical AIDS virus. Indeed, the mortality of hemophiliacs has increased sharply since 1987, the same year AZT was licensed as an antiviral drug. Many died of internal bleeding while they made billions with their toxic pharmaceuticals and foundations funding bogus research! 13

  1. Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda:  CIN, November 19, 2023
  2. Untitled Document (
  3. Untitled Document (
  4. Dr. Conklin
  5. Untitled Document (
  6. Bruce R. Conklin, M.D. – (
  7. CCR5 Gene Used to Biologically Transform Humanity:  CIN,  June 13, 2023
  8. What’s So Controversial About the First Gene-Edited Babies? Experts Explain | UC San Francisco (
  9. Rescue of stalled clathrin-mediated endocytosis by asymmetric Arp2/3-mediated actin assembly | bioRxiv
  10. Branched actin networks are organized for asymmetric force production during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in mammalian cells | Nature Communications
  11. Asymmetric Arp2/3-mediated actin assembly facilitates clathrin-mediated endocytosis at stalled sites in genome-edited human stem cells | bioRxiv
  12. History of the Controversy – HIV And The Blood Supply – NCBI Bookshelf (
  13. Inventing the AIDS Virus (


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