Gaddafi’s bloodied shirt and wedding ring to go up for auction with $2m price tag

Simon Tomlinson

Last updated at 8:54 AM on 3rd February 2012

The wedding ring and shirt worn by former Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi when he was killed by rebels last October have reportedly been put up for sale for $2million.

The disgraced dictator was wearing the silver ring and bloodied beige shirt when he was dragged from a drainpipe near his home town of Sirte before being beaten and shot.

Libyan national Ahmed Warfali is apparently asking for $2million for the items after somehow coming into their possession.

Colonel Gaddafi, with the bloodied shirt and silver ring, shortly before he was killed by rebels last October. The items have reportedly gone up for sale for $2million

Colonel Gaddafi, with the bloodied shirt and silver ring, shortly before he was killed by rebels last October. The items have reportedly gone up for sale for $2m

He believes he could have attracted a higher value if he had been selling them in Europe.

A picture of what appears to be the ring has been uploaded to website and shows an engraving representing the date Gaddafi married his wife, Safia, on September 10, 1970, it was reported on ABC News.

But critics say Mr Warfali should not be selling his possessions.

‘The ring does not belong to Gaddafi. It’s Libyan money and this guy should not sell the ring,’ said one person, who posted their comments on a Facebook wall for residents of the town of Zintan, where Gaddafi’s son Saif al-Islam is being held.

The ring, a photo of which has been put on website, is apparently engraved with the date of Gaddafi's marriage to wife Safia (pictured)

The ring, a photo of which has been put on website, is apparently engraved with the date of Gaddafi’s marriage to wife Safia (pictured)

Saif was arrested in November, but has not yet been handed over to the transitional government or the International Criminal Court for trial.

Another Facebook poster said: ‘Well you can sell Saif for 20 billion dollars, if you do not want the guy to sell the ring.’

There remains tensions in the country in the wake of Gaddafi’s death as militias continue to jostle for power.

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He was a tyrant but that is slightly disrespectful to the dead. I don’t care who they are but i believe that the dead should be treated with respect.

Lyn, Manchester@@ very well said, i am glad that it was added to comments

To take his wedding ring is looting and normally in times of war which it was the penalty would be death.

I wouldnt be surprised if William Hague made a bid myself! Sick does not describe how vile a sale this is.

Ahmadinejad is next. Then that new North Korean fellow

Lyn, Manchester, well said but I am surprise your comment got posted!!!!!! There is a very strong sense of censureship in this paper! I am sure that the best comments are never posted!
Good that people are starting to make their voices heard!

just burn all his stuff like they did with Hiitler, otherwise you will always have sick freeaks who want his stuff


ghoulishly ghastly. Whoever thinks of bidding for this “memorabilia” should be shot!

Why would anyone want them for free let alone 2million!

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