Gay activists target outspoken tennis champ

Pastor and former Australian tennis champion Margaret Court says she has been the target of a hate campaign since publicly speaking out against gay marriage.

The 70-year-old made headlines around the world in December after saying marriage should be between a man and woman, and was criticised by openly gay tennis stars including Rennae Stubbs and Billie Jean King.

Gay activists launched a Facebook campaign asking Australian Open spectators to wear rainbow colours and wave flags at the show court named after the former player on Friday.

But Court has told the Herald Sun the campaign was a political stunt, and she would not back down from her views.

“To target me and the tennis is a political stunt,” she said.

Court, a former World number one tennis player who was the first woman to win all four Grand Slam tournament titles, said she loved gay people and even worked with them.

“But what concerns me so much is the amount of hatred that has been directed at me,” she said.

Court said she did not intend to attack the gay community but instead was trying to plea for the nation to retain its morals.

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