#GAZACRISIS | Gaza medicine shortages ‘worst since siege began’

Maan News Agency | June 10, 2012

GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A spokesman for the ministry of health in the Gaza Strip said Saturday the enclave was facing the worst shortage of medications since the enclave was first placed under blockade.

Ashraf al-Qudra told Ma’an of “a real problem” in Nasr Children’s Hospital due to the lack of special injections for patients with immune disorders, and in all medical centers for children and adults.

Al-Qudra pointed out that authorities lack 253 kinds of medicine and 211 medical supplies, and he condemned the Arab world’s “silence toward Israeli violations against the Palestinian people.”

Even when the borders are open for patients, it does not always resolve their plight because al-Makassed hospital in Jerusalem is itself facing shortages. “We have transferred a case to Makassed … to get the drug against the lack of immunity, but we can’t find it there, either,” he said.

The hospital is facing a major budget shortfall as the Palestinian Authority failed to pay for cases, and it has had to borrow tens of millions of dollars, Mukassed officials told Israel’s Media Line news service in May.

Al-Qudra called on the World Health Organization and Red Crescent to intervene on behalf of the health sector. He added that the 12-hour blackouts were not helping matters.

The Hamas-run health ministry is frequently at odds with its counterpart in the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority, which pays for the import of medications into Gaza.

The ministry has accused the PA in the past of deliberately delaying shipments. The PA says it spends more than half of its annual budget on Gaza, including in the medical sector.


Ministery declares state of emergency – Photography

Gaza Health Care in Crisis – January 2012 – Photography

Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention clearly establish that Israel, as the occupying power, not only has a duty to ensure medical supplies reach hospitals in the OPT, but to ensure and maintain the services of the hospitals too. As High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions, other states not only have a moral duty but also a legal obligation to ensure Israel abides by its commitments to the protected population of the OPT.

UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, As a States Party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Israel is obliged under Article 24 of the treaty to recognise the right of every child under its effective jurisdiction “to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of access to such health care services”.

Update as per June 3, 2012

  • May 29, 2012 | Fuel Crisis Impacts Water and Sanitation Health Services in Gaza | Source
  • May 20, 2012 | “Long and Healthy Lives” of Babies in Danger as Vaccins are Depleted | Alert
  • May 18, 2012 | Lives of more than 400 kidney patients at risk in Gaza | Source

note occpal | June 3, 2012 | At this moment 204 types of medication and 218 types of medical consumables are depleted completely. 200 others are on their way to depletion. Including zero stock of Thalassamia and Cancer medications are not available.

The fuel crisis prevents normal operation of nurseries, ICU heart units and the emergency generators will encounter problems to face normal surgery schedules. Due to blackouts of power, also sewerage, water pumps and all operating on power shuts down which poses extra health risks which is unacceptable.

The international community though, is not pressuring Israel though about it’s killing by proxy policies which causes 1.7 million people in Gaza now to be effectively in a state of emergency and severe deprivation.

More Resources or related information:

  • June 9, 2012 | Gaza health ministry cautions over 450 medical items running out | Petra Jordan News Agency
  • Over 173 Children died due 2 obstructed healthcare: Report Al-Mezan
  • Download the Full Report of Al-Mezan (PDF)
  • Palestinian deaths following infringement of right to medical treatment – B’ TselemReport
  • 35 babies died at Israeli checkpoints – Report
  • Israel Kills Dialysis in Gaza – 450 Patients Lives Are In DangerReport
  • Dialysis in Paralysis | Electronic IntifadaReport
  • Factsheet on Gazan Children’s Access to Medical Care – Al Mezan | 173 children diedReport
  • UK Diplomat wife dies after forced to renew Jerusalem permitReport
  • 2 Children Lives of Dozens of Others Endangered Israel’s Infringement of Medical CareReport
  • Infant close 2 death as Israel denies medicationReport
  • Starve Them – Shoot Them – Then Give Them CancerReport
  • Israel to Supreme Court to prevent exposure of document containing minimal calorie requirements for Gaza – May1, 2011Report
  • Israel Restricts the Access of Gaza Patients to Urgent Medical Treatment if their Condition is Not Life-Threatening | In violation of Medical Ethics and International Law | Al Mezan | June 30, 2010Report
  • Children and Armed Conflict: Developments in the OPT | UN | April 13, 2010Report
  • Water apartheid leaves Palestinian children ill | Report

Medical care by asked/forced collaboration

  • Palestinians hoping to leave Gaza Strip asked to collaborate with Israel – PHR Isael – Dec 28, 2011Report

Torture, Healthcare or neglect of healthcare in Prisons

  • UFree: Israeli doctors conceal torture incidents in Israeli jails | UFree Report
  • Doctoring the Evidence Abandoning the Victim – Complicity of Israeli physicians in torture – PHRReport


  • Gaza Siege devastates Health care – Jan 2, 2011video
  • Avoidable Death of Pregnant women their Unborn at Israeli Checkpointsvideo
  • If you have no idea about avoidable mortality by Israel’s deliberate policies: Meet BABY FIRASvideo


  • Arab-Palestinian Citizens of Israel: Discrimination in Access to Health; Lower Health – PHR – Report

While in the horrible holocaust, 1 in 6, so 1 million people died of the Nazi but exactly similar deliberate deprivation, Israel is doing exactly the same to Palestinians. Research (see link below) showed the annual deathrate by violent passive aggression is about 5000 deaths a year. Called Avoidable mortality or Excess Death.

The Palestinian Genocide – The fact which are being silenced | Research

Special Topics

In pictures

Children of Palestine – in photos (Click to see the full album)

More pictures in the Gallery Images | الصور

How many more dead corpses of Palestinians and their children does the international community need to see in order to act?
How many more cruelties and violations of Human Rights, Regulations and International Law will be needed?
How long so the world intervenes in this ongoing warcrime and it will be stopped once and for all?

For the sake of children and ill people in Palestine, share this post as wide as you can and keep sharing it. Health is no choice for many, right to medical care is a Human Right. Infringement of such is a passive form of aggression which policies Israel deliberately deploys with the intention to ethnic cleanse.

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  • Christos Eretikos
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