Germany mulls drones in Afghanistan

According to a report published in German-language Der Spiegel magazine on Friday, the ministry is “still at the beginning of considerations” about whether to make use of the remote-controlled terror aircraft as has long been called for by the German Air Force.

Whilst Germany’s defense ministry sees drones as the weapon of the future, the final decision must rest on the results of a wide public discussion over whether armed drones are necessary for German forces in Afghanistan.

The report comes as the US military has been using its assassination drones in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia, claiming that it is targeting militants, but civilians have been killed in the assaults.

The aerial attacks were initiated by former US President George W. Bush but have been escalated under President Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, media reports indicate that the drones would be supplied by Israel. Heron TP, also known as IAI Eitan, unmanned aerial vehicle would be up for discussion.

The German defense ministry currently uses the reconnaissance version of the Heron drones and the leasing contract has just been extended until October 2014.


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