GetUp questioning Rinehart’s motivations

Online campaigner GetUp is running a newspaper campaign highlighting concerns that mining magnate Gina Rinehart might influence mining-related media coverage after her recent acquisition of a large part of Fairfax.

The richest woman in Australia secured a 12.8 per cent share of Fairfax, the nation’s second-largest newspaper company, last week.

GetUp has responded by running campaigns in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, which are owned by Fairfax. The advertisement appeared in Thursday’s edition of The Age.

The advertisement feature a mocked-up newspaper with “edits” overlaid to provide more supportive coverage to the mining industry.

“The mining industry in Australia already wields incredible power, made obvious by the success of its campaign to water down the (Mineral) Resources (Rent) Tax (MRRT),” GetUp national director Simon Sheikh said in a statement on Thursday.

“Our members are concerned about what’s motivating this buy-up of Australian media and what the mining industry might expect in return for its investment.”

The federal opposition will try again on Thursday to force the government to release all the treasury modelling used for the multi-billion mining tax.

Legislation for the tax still needs to pass the upper house so that it can take effect from the middle of the year.

Liberal MP Mathias Cormann told ABC radio he will move a motion that will put off debate until the government releases all the modelling.

The MRRT was Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s first priority in 2010 after she deposed Kevin Rudd.

Ms Gillard struck a deal with the nation’s three biggest miners, BHP Billiton, Xstrata and Rio Tinto, to set the tax rate at 30 per cent and confine it to the extraordinary profits of iron ore and coal companies.

Under Mr Rudd’s original Resources Super Profits Tax (RSPT), which drew the industry’s wrath and sparked truck-bed protests by mining billionaires Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest, the rate was to be 40 per cent and the impost was to be payable by all mining groups.

The MRRT will be the subject of a Senate economics committee inquiry, which is due to report back by March 14.

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