Glider pilot Albert Freeborn parachuted to earth after fatal mid-air collision with RAF aircraft

  • Cadet Nicholas Rice and Lieutenant Mike Blee died in crash in 2009
  • Pilot Albert Freeborn managed to parachute to safety after their plane collided with his glider

Chris Parsons

Last updated at 5:45 PM on 13th February 2012

Survivor: Albert Freeborn, pictured arriving at today's inquest, parachuted to safety after the RAF plane collided with his glider

Survivor: Albert Freeborn, pictured arriving at today’s inquest, parachuted to safety after the RAF plane collided with his glider

A glider pilot today told how he parachuted to safety after colliding mid-air with an RAF aircraft in a crash which killed a teenage air cadet and his instructor.

Nicholas Rice, 15, and RAF reservist Flight Lieutenant Mike Blee, 62, died when their two-seater Tutor plane collided with the glider piloted by Albert Freeborn near Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

The duo’s plane plummeted towards the earth and crashed in a field after the June 2009 collision, but Mr Freeborn today told how he scrambled from his stricken glider and parachuted to safety.

Mr Freeborn, 29, told an inquest he
flew from Sherborne, Dorset over Oxfordshire when he heard a propeller
sound which indicated a plane was ‘very close to him’.

said: ‘It has to be quite close, if you hear the sound of an engine
propeller. It’s very audible, and alarming as well, because you know it
has to be very close.

looked left and down, saw the Tutor very, very close beneath me, then
about a second later, to my disbelief, it began to rotate, and rose up
towards me.

‘At the time of the impact, my head was knocked through into the canopy, which shattered.

‘The glider pitched nose-down, looking
at the ground. I decided I should abandon the glider, and with my left
hand opened the canopy, by which time the glider was inverted, it was
upside down. 

‘My weight was supported by the straps at this point.

Mr Freeborn, who holds a private pilot’s licence said there had been ‘very good’ flying conditions on the day of the collision.

He added:’With my right hand I released the straps, I was helped to some extent by gravity, and when I was out of the glider, pulled the ring, and the parachute started to deploy.

Tragic: Cadet Nicholas Rice, 15, left, and RAF Lieutenant Mike Blee, 62, right, both died when their plane went down in Oxfordshire

Tragic: Cadet Nicholas Rice, 15, left, and RAF Lieutenant Mike Blee, 62, right, both died when their plane went down in Oxfordshire

Tragic: Cadet Nicholas Rice, 15, left, and RAF Lieutenant Mike Blee, 62, right, both died when their plane went down in Oxfordshire

‘I was aware of the trainer and the glider beneath me, the glider was like a sycamore leaf falling to the ground, then the trainer came into view, not very far away from me, it looked like the engine was still on full power, and there was a trail of smoke.

‘The glider landed beneath me and I saw the Tutor impact into a field of crop.’

Mr Freeborn, from Porchester, Hampshire, landed with just a few cuts and bruises in a field half a mile away form the wreckage.

The inquest at Oxford Coroner’s Court into the deaths of Mr Rice and Mr Blee heard, however, that he has suffered some post-traumatic stress since the crash.

Wreckage: The smashed remains of Mr Freeborn's glider lie in the field near Abingdon, Oxfordshire after the crash in June 2009

Wreckage: The smashed remains of Mr Freeborn’s glider lie in the field near Abingdon, Oxfordshire after the crash in June 2009

Investigators survey the scene of the light aircraft wreckage after it ploughed into a field of long grass

Investigators survey the scene of the light aircraft wreckage after it ploughed into a field of long grass

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