Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill

Jonathan Benson
Natural News
October 19, 2011

For over 20 years, the dogma of man-made global warming has been trumping sound science and even basic logic. The result has been a global movement of pseudo-scientific alarmism about climate change that seeks to solve it with scams like global carbon taxes.

But a simple visual chart put together by Jo Nova shows how governments, industry, and Wall Street have been behind the global warming scam all along, and how they continue to use taxpayer dollars to fund it.

Nova calls it “The Climate Change Scare Machine,” a continuous cycle that bilks taxpayers out of their money in order to fund the man-made global warming agenda. Behind this agenda are Wall Street financial firms, “green” foundations, and even organizations created specifically to smear those that speak out against global warming. And after receiving “rubber stamp” approval from the mainstream media, the misinformation created by these groups is peddled to the masses as scientific truth, even though little-to-none of it is actually based in sound science.

You can view the chart for yourself here:

Many of the formulas, calculations, studies, and other data cited as evidence of man-made climate change have been exposed as seriously flawed over the past several years. But because the problem is “systemic” rather than “conspiratorial,” according to Nova, this monopoly on science and scientific thought is strangling any real progress towards discovering the real truth about climate change. As a result, the man-made global warming theory is still considered to be truth, despite a lack of credible evidence.

To make matters worse, the few scientists and climate experts that are brave enough to speak out against global warming, using real science to back up their claims, continue to be ignored or ridiculed by the establishment. There simply is no room for alternate theories, or any type of evidence that contradicts the official story, after all.

As a result, many others in the scientific industry who feel the same way are intimidated from speaking out themselves, for fear that they will lose funding or even their careers. Many of the major scientific groups that study climate science are funded by the same interests pushing the man-made climate change theory, after all.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

So unless the system undergoes a massive overhaul, those that have much to gain from pushing the man-made climate change theory will continue to push their agenda, and corner the market on climate science. And with a virtually unlimited supply of taxpayer dollars to maintain this monopoly, any legitimate, independent scientific inquiry into climate change will remain in the shadows.

This article was originally post at Natural News.

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32 Responses to “Global warming scam run by government and Wall Street while taxpayers foot the bill”

  1. All perpetuated for the kickbacks of alternative energy subsidies.

    Since the death of Osama, 3 days after Obama released his birth certificate, the media has become censored while the CIA controls the headline and the topic on every major media news site. Why? Because they don’t want the truth leaking out about the last election.

    Sarah Palin was planted as McCain’s running mate in 2008 with a fabricated background to flush out those behind Obama Osama / Biden (Bi)nla(den)s organized community. Think all of these things are a coincidence, think again.

    Nobel Prize winner Obama shares a birthday with the founder of the Palestine Liberation Organization Nobel Prize winner Yasser Arafat.

    Obama claims to be from a remote state and takes years to product his birth certificate.
    Sarah Palin claims to be the governor from a remote state where most tourists only visit by cruise ship.
    Obama from Hawaii
    Sarah Palin attends University of Hawaii at Hilo

    Sarah Palin claims she can see RUSSIA from her house and graduated from University of Idaho in MOSCOW Idaho.
    Vladimir PutIN-PalIN
    PALin-PALestINe (enemy of Israel)
    Palin-palindrome-who’s last name is a palindrome? SOROS-George Soros was credited for collapsing currencies in several European countries and speaks of a New World Order.

    Barack Obama played basketball and was called O’bomber
    Sarah Palin claims to have played the same game and was called Sarah BARRACuda.

    The people who elected Obama most likely made sure who his opponent would be, McCain. Sarah Palin was announced as McCain’s running mate to create chatter for those electing Obama to question whether or not she was part of their organization. When McCain and Palin claimed they were going to “reform Washington” they had no plans of getting elected.

    If you want the real story on the military overthrow of the government when Obama and Biden took office in 2008 and why Obama appears to be a puppet for the Pentagon now and pushing the military agenda, search PalinsDirtyLittleSecret.blogspot. Learn what the big business corporate owned media who gave Obama a free pass during the election cannot report on.

  2. For all of you that want to believe in AGW, hear this. YOU must pay for it. Put YOUR money where your mouth is, or shut up. I spend my money helping to clean up the waterways and water supply. I am not going to also suppory your fantasy, and I don’t want my money going to your moron god Gore.

  3. Wow, they used that freakin T-shirt on 2 articles now.
    Keep pushing the oil companies propaganda.
    It’s all a dream, oil is not the problem, look somewhere else….
    Move along sheeple.
    Dirty oil and it’s byproducts ARE A PROBLEM TO EARTH.

    • the oil companies are owned by these promoters of AGW fool
      Al Gore= oxidental petroleum ring any bells? Of course not
      Shell+queen Beatrix of the Netherlands(elizabeths cousin)
      BP=queen of england
      These fools have supressed free clean energy ever since Tesla, research it. Oh I forgot, collectivists need to be told (programmed) what to think.

      What about GMO crops? GMO animals? Chem trails? Nukes? Delibrate poisoning of the drinking water? Vaccines? Prescription drugs? poisoning of foods? militarization of space? Chemical agents for warfare? Depleted uranium? etc,etc

      I don’t hear of any enviro rallies over any of these issues at all…….why?
      Because the collectivists have been told to do that by the NGOs funded by the mega foundations who have a strangle hold of these “industries”

      Get educated ………the truth IS out there

      • collectivists have “not” been told to do that

    • Get educated? lol Yeah, I’ve been doing that and have a channel that points out the CHEMTRAILS that are polluting the earth now. I know about Monsanto and the GMO’s. I know about Al Gore and his SCAM with the banksters to use global warming for personal GAIN. YEAH I KNOW ALL THAT.

      The part that I still REFUSE to go along with though is that burning oil has nothing to do with the changes in the climate that we’re been seeing in the last 100 years. You don’t have to be that smart to see that it’s in the OIL companies best interests to call global warming a fraud to keep selling it. Meanwhile the earth keeps getting hotter…and now they think they can spray the problem away with chemtrails? NO, I’m not going aloing with that BS.

  4. Taxpayers Pay for Everything

    NeWS for Ron Paul Supporters

    infowarrior 76 (ddot) com
    infowarrior 76 (ddot) com

  5. ah Michael Crichton was such a visionary
    State of Fear

    the government is always looking for work
    seeking a way to justify its fat, bloated self

  6. What a joke.

    Maybe all those people denying global warming shut put their money where there mouth is and buy real estate in The Maldives.

    Or buy a ranch in Australia. Very cheap now. Farming has become impossible there.

    • You mean like Al Gore? Didn’t he just spend $9 million on ocean-front property in Montecito?

      Since climate change is real (but has absolutely nothing to do with anthropogenic carbon emissions), doesn’t that make him quite the gambler?

      • Or maybe Al Gore knows something the general public doesn’t. Maybe he has some inside information. Maybe that information comes from the Club of Rome, of which he’s a member.

        “This is the way we are setting the scene for mankind’s encounter with the planet. The opposition between the two ideologies that have dominated the 20th century has collapsed, forming their own vacuum and leaving nothing but crass materialism.

        It is a law of Nature that any vacuum will be filled and therefore eliminated unless this is physically prevented. “Nature,” as the saying goes, “abhors a vacuum.” And people, as children of Nature, can only feel uncomfortable, even though they may not recognize that they are living in a vacuum. How then is the vacuum to be eliminated?

        It would seem that humans need a common motivation, namely a common adversary, to organize and act together in the vacuum; such a motivation must be found to bring the divided nations together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.

        New enemies therefore have to be identified.
        New strategies imagined, new weapons devised.

        The common enemy of humanity is man.

        In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.

        The old democracies have functioned reasonably well over the last 200 years, but they appear now to be in a phase of complacent stagnation with little evidence of real leadership and innovation

        Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though this may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today’s problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time.” – exerpt from “The First Global Revolution” (page 75), authored by the Club of Rome in 1992.

        • “Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits.”

          That is why all those people hope that Christ will save them. If people were rational, then there was no such problem.

          Core problem: exponential growth within a limited sphere. How to solve that.

          CoR thinks: mass starvation or dictatorship. Or can people start to behave rationally? They think not.

        • niphtrique

          The entire population of this planet could live quite comfortably in western Canada. Each with enough land to grow their own.

          You spent too much time in the collectivist “higher” ediucation system.
          Over population is not a problem…… collectivists are

        • @aghost4u2c:

          Guess that will happen if the thought controlled mob will have its way: human population of 144,000 planting bananas in Canada.

          “According to Marc Morano, a former aide to Senator James Inhofe, one of the most vocal climate skeptics in Congress, Republican presidential candidates can believe in man-made global warming as long as they never talk about it, and oppose all the proposed solutions.”

          In such an environment, no rational thought can emerge. Collectivism is just another fear monger word to get you distracted..

        • AGW is the NWOs funding mechanism to collectivize all the governments into global government.
          This is a proven fact as the leaders of this cult have openly stated this as their goal.
          Herman von Rompeuy (sp?) EU president was one
          These statements are on Utube videos and are not out of context

          Have you ever watched a video named the Great Global Warming Swindle?
          It was made well before any of the numerous “gate” scandles. The head climate scientist hired by the UNs IPCC made it, proving the fraud through science. Perhaps if you have an open mind you will seek it out


        • I am aware of the scandals and I am aware that global warming is abused to promote the NWO agenda. But that does not mean that there is no global warming. At least temperatures are rising. There is little doubt about that.

        • Actually there is no global warming at all right now.

          Phil Jones (former CRU director)when interviewed by BBC ( available online transcripts) admitted to the midevil warming period for the first time. Also when asked he stated there is at the present time been no global warming for the last 7 years. He also admitted that since 1850 the temps have risen 0.4%
          up until now
          This is a fact and can be found by googling Phil Jones BBC interview No global warming

      • I guess you do not like Al Gore. But that is quite irrelevant really. I do not know what the altitude of the property is.

        I am living at seal level, and quite worried about the irrational attitude of the herd. I have not moved. Does that make that me a gambler?

        Harvests can fail, and many people may starve, and if you have food, then they will find you. Does it make you a gambler?

        And if you know already what all those scientist do not know (for certain), then that makes you many times smarter than Einstein.

        Go and congratulate yourself for that!

        • So the core of our disagreement lies in what scientists know, what they don’t know, and what they tell us.

        • The core of our disagreement is what do you do under uncertainty.

          Do you gamble with the Earth or not?

          I do not (and most environmentalist also do not) think that carbon trading is a good solution.

          Personally I think you should hike taxes on fossil fuels and with the proceeds lower income taxes so energy use will be subsituted by labour.

          In this way also solar and wind will become profitable and then the goverment does not have to pump billions in failed corporations.

        • The government has no interest in saving the environment. They promote CFL’s, which will concentrate mercury and other toxins in landfills. They promote biofuels, which deforest large swaths of land. They promote hybrid vehicles with batteries full toxins, and with toxic byproducts that will last for decades.

          Nope. They focus instead on the cleanest of all emissions…CO2.

          3 percent of the CO2 in the atmosphere can be attributed to human activity. 95 percent of the greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. Only 0.28% of the greenhouse effect can be attributed to human activity. The greenhouse effect is much, much smaller factor in global temperatures than cosmic cycles (solar cycles, earth’s wobble, galactic cycles, etc.).

          Meanwhile, they tell us radiation isn’t all that bad for us and raise the “acceptable” levels right after Fukushima. They lace the water supply with sterilants and fluoride (a nuclear waste byproduct). They poison the atmosphere with barium, aluminum and sulfur. They deal with spilt oil in the gulf by dumping corexit (a toxic chemical) on it and sinking it to the floor of the ocean, when they could have used microbes proven to be effective.

          You see, nothing coming the governments and their agencies (IPCC, NOAA, etc) comes from an agenda to protect the environment. Everything they do, every study they produce, has an opposite agenda: they want to depopulate the human race and are willing to poison the earth to do it.

          PS Raising the cost of fossil fuels via taxation will not make solar and wind energy any more affordable.

        • maybe your loving UN green police can kill more women and children in Africa to make way for bio-fuel production for your flex fuel SUV.

          Research -Earth Summit paid for by governments

          -Earth Charter the 10 commandments of the enviro facists

          -Ark of Hope delivered to the UN and accepted as a new religon

          New Age pagan earth whorship being taught in all western schools funded by your governments.

          Where are the Christians challenging this? Cue the crickets

        • @niphtrique. You sound like a pompous ass. Most indigenous people respect the environment. It is the money greedy who deforest the planet, poison our oceans, spill the toxic chemicals and profit from the military industrial complex and you want the mom and pops of the world to pay for their abuse. I have said before and I will say again we should prosecute those who destroy the ecosystem and who don’t at the very least restore their destruction it to its original condition (no monoculture). Don’t you dare pretend to care about Mother Earth and I find the usage of your noun “the herd” to describe those who you are trying to bamboozle very offensive.

        • I guess my opinion does not go well here. Pompous ass (haha).

          Most people do not accept the consequences and blame others. That is the core problem. If the planet is polluted, then it is the corporations that did it, not the people buying their products. Or it is the government, and not people electing them in office.

        • Yes, we blame others … If you consider the SUN and naturally occurring climactic cycles as “others.”

          Problem is, there’s no money in that science.

        • btw. If you are offended. Then look at this site and see what environmentalists are called. Herd is not such a strong word for a site where only one opinion on this subject is appreciated.

        • sorry niphtrique

          Your opinion is valued everywhere. Discussion over important issues is definately needed.
          Unfortunately several FOI requests through the courts have ended in nothing on the climate data issue. Even though the judges granted the requests, the data has never been released to those who applied for the FOI in the first place.

          This is not discussion, it’s secrets. Most people here do alot of research and will not be told what to think. I don’t believe in AGW as a problem because of the science…period
          I’m an outdoorsman here in BC and love our environment. I do not have a large footprint here, I recycle, advocate for our children and environments future. I grow non-GMO crops with no chemicals.
          I would consider myself an enviromentalist to a point. But when we look at the agenda of those who really did mess things up, and it’s affects on the poorest people on the planet I can’t help but fight this agenda. Do you realize that 10s of millions of 3 world peoples are being starved to death because surplus crops are being turned into bio-feuls?
          All political parties are paid by us to advocate for large corporations and gloobalists. There are no choices in elections. Thats why nothing seems to change.
          Vote Ron Paul as he is a real choice for change with an excellent track record that is publicly available


  7. Reason #1050 to home school your children

    • she’s working at the kitchen table right now.
      She finished 25% of her grade 10 science within 3 weeks of starting this year.

  8. The scam truly is horrible, but with sooo many issues to face in the LIE department its easy to feel really small and incapable in taking down the beast.

    But like David and Goliath HAVE FAITH and victory can still go to thee little guy!

  9. Let the global warming idiots pay the tax. They seem to have lots of money to spend.

  10. Ron Paul is having a moneybomb today.

    AJ and IW usually throw an article or the site up I thought. Hope they do so with this moneybomb…

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