Google Glasses’ price tag announced, first models to ship in 2013

Since news of Google Glass, the web search giant’s wearable computer experiment, broke earlier this year, those of us at Tecca have been anxiously awaiting more details. And finally, today, precious details came via the 2012 Google I/O media conference and an epic skydiving stunt.

As you can see in the video above, Google chose to demo their Glass eyewear in the most dynamic way possible — by throwing them out of a plane (with humans attached). We suppose you could also use the glasses to just take photos during a memorable stroll with your baby (as proposed in a I/O conference video). To each their own.

Unfortunately, we also got our first look at the price tag on Google Glass, and man is it a doozy: $1,500. Pre-orders for the device will start today, with units shipping in 2013. But don’t expect to be able to get in on these glasses just yet unless you’re a developer: Only people physically present at today’s I/O conference will be able to pre-order at this time.

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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