Government online control: Are you prepared to submit?

Government online control: Are you prepared to submit?

Published: 07 April, 2012, 09:19
Edited: 07 April, 2012, 14:34

AFP Photo / Karen Bleier

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Human rights,
The Resident,
Information Technology,
Cary Johnston

Online privacy may soon become a thing of the past, as governments around the world attempt to closely monitor internet users.

­RT’s Lori Harfenist, known as “The Resident” hit the streets of Manhattan to find out just how much information people are willing to share.

Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi
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Pakistan soldiers on the Siachen Glacier in northern Pakistan are tied to each other for safety in hostile weather conditions. (Reuters / Handout)
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No doubt, if social groups emerge and use end-to-end encryption along with TOR (The Onion Router) or similar tools, then governments will move to make such use itself a criminal act, even if acquaintences only want to communicate harmless information privately. There is a reason that people sometimes send letters in envelopes and at other times don’t mind using postcards: They want privacy in the former case but don’t mind the lack of privacy in the latter. And yes, I realise that letters aren’t secure from intelligence services, but you understand my point, I hope.

People will just have to become more resourceful when it comes to online privacy. With the recent events telling us ISPs betraying their customers to the MPAA and RIAA, many customers are very concerned with keeping their activities online private, illegal or not. There are only a few options on the table. The easiest one is to simply switch to an ISP that isn’t actively cooperating with the MPAA/RIAA. The next option is use of a PAID VPN service that will protect your privacy. (HideMyAss is definitely a bad VPN.)

Privacy on the internet? I don’t believe a word.

The only one that has privacy are ‘Anonymous’, and we’ll see just how long they stay anonymous before every k-ke in that organisation rats them out, or they rat on each other as they’re not known to be moral/honest people — those that watch p-rnography, anyway.

P.S. is RT thinking of new ‘obscene’ words to filter? I could have swore I used ‘k-ke’ recently without having to filter it; there’s nothing obscene about calling a duck a duck.

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