Government Surveillance Crackdown On Internet Goes Into Overdrive

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Cyber bills legislate for mass surveillance; Former Cybersecurity Czar calls for Homeland Security data “customs inspections”

Steve Watson
April 5, 2012

Government Surveillance Crackdown On Internet Goes Into Overdrive Internet Monitoring Censorship

In a New York Times editorial, former government cybersecurity czar Richard A. Clarke has called for the creation of customs checks on all data leaving and entering US cyberspace.

Clarke makes the call in relation to Chinese hackers stealing information and intellectual property from US firms.

“If given the proper authorization, the United States government could stop files in the process of being stolen from getting to the Chinese hackers.” Clarke writes.

“If government agencies were authorized to create a major program to grab stolen data leaving the country, they could drastically reduce today’s wholesale theft of American corporate secrets.”

While Clarke may well be coming at this subject well intentioned, the fact that government has a long history of attempting to crackdown on internet freedom and control the web will mean his words are a cause of concern for many.

“Under Customs authority, the Department of Homeland Security could inspect what enters and exits the United States in cyberspace…” Clarke continues.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

“And under the Intelligence Act, the president could issue a finding that would authorize agencies to scan Internet traffic outside the United States and seize sensitive files stolen from within our borders.”

We have seen with the recent attempts to pass legislation such as SOPA, PIPA, and ACTA, that the federal government is hell bent on skirting around legal oversight in order to seize more control over web content and communications.

While those particular bills have more of a focus on copyright protection, there is a huge move afoot to use the issue of cybersecurity as a means to crack down on the free internet.

The Obama administration is going all out to muster support in Congress for a bipartisan cybersecurity bill co-sponsored by Republican Senator Susan Collins and Independent Senator Joseph Lieberman and Democratic Senators Jay Rockefeller and Dianne Feinstein.

Critics contend that the bill contains several provisions that represent a sweeping power grab on behalf of the federal government.

A measure recently added to the bill by Collins and Lieberman, and supported by Obama, would empower the Department of Homeland Security to conduct “risk assessments” of private companies in sectors deemed critical to U.S. national and economic security, forcing them to comply with expensive mandates to secure their systems.

ISPs ATT and Comcast have denounced the provision, declaring that federal oversight will stifle innovation.

“Such requirements could have an unintended stifling effect on making real cybersecurity improvements,” Edward Amoroso, chief security officer for Dallas-based ATT, said in testimony at a recent hearing. “Cyber adversaries are dynamic and increasingly sophisticated, and do not operate under a laboriously defined set of rules or processes.”

As we have previously reported, the bill originally legislated for an Internet ‘kill switch’ that would allow the President to shut down parts of the Internet in an emergency.

There are a whole host of other cybersecurity bills in the works including a GOP bill, co-sponsored by John McCain known as The Secure IT Act, and a newly introduced GOP bill known as The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), sponsored by Michigan Republican Mike Rogers.

All of the bills have the same vague wording and do not clearly define what a cybersecurity threat is. This has prompted groups such as The Electronic Freedom Foundation and The Center for Democracy and Technology to speak out about what they see as legislating for broad information sharing between private companies and the government for ill-defined purposes.

“The Rogers bill gives companies a free pass to monitor and collect communications and share that data with the government and other companies, so long as they do so for ‘cybersecurity purposes,’” the EFF said in a blog post. “Just invoking ‘cybersecurity threats’ is enough to grant companies immunity from nearly all civil and criminal liability, effectively creating an exemption from all existing law.”

Kendall Burman of the Center for Democracy and Technology spoke about CISPA in an interview with RT:

“We have a number of concerns with something like this bill that creates sort of a vast hole in the privacy law to allow government to receive these kinds of information.”

Burman added that the bill, as it stands, allows the U.S. government to involve itself in any online correspondence if it believes there is reason to suspect “cyber crime”, which it does not even clearly define.

Watch the interview:

Both the EFF and the CDT have noted that CISPA effectively legislates for monitoring and collecting online communications without the knowledge of the parties concerned and funneling them directly to the National Security Agency or the DOD’s Cybercommand.

Essentially all of these bills legislate for moves by the federal government to access and monitor the online communications of all Americans, much like the more open agenda of the British government to snoop on citizens.

With the additional ongoing construction of a city sized secret NSA data collection center in the Utah desert, about which the agency will not even give details to Congress about, it is clear that the powers that be fully expect to go ahead with such plans, with or without the legislation to do so.


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.

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20 Responses to “Government Surveillance Crackdown On Internet Goes Into Overdrive”

  1. I didnt know where to post this but, radiation readings at rachel nevada just went sky high, I just look every day on a radation map, never seen it before, except for fukushima but that one was on the news instantly.
    Just googled rachel nevada, seems to be area 51, wondering what happened there…

    Its above 0.500 s/h

    Rebelfromtheburg Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:26 am

    What does this indicate??

    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:47 am


    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:51 am

    dont let that piece of shit first post stand.

    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:58 am

    did you measure it yourself? y/n= then where are your results.
    I have official results for my geographic location. DO YOU?
    Victoreen CDV-700 Model 6
    +1/8″ audio jack mod
    +dollar store counter mod

    Documented Now as
    “10 minute tests”

    (The months closer to 311
    the #’s had to been 800′s
    or even 900′s)

    counts day month year
    0816 28 Jun 2011
    0694 23 Jul 2011
    0674 31 Jul 2011
    0638 17 Aug 2011
    0619 18 Aug 2011
    0681 19 Aug 2011
    0624 20 Aug 2011
    0624 28 Aug 2011
    0586 03 Sep 2011
    0604 05 Sep 2011
    0661 09 Sep 2011
    0643 13 Sep 2011
    0594 29 Sep 2011
    0623 04 Oct 2011
    0590 10 Oct 2011
    0559 18 Oct 2011
    0571 08 Nov 2011
    0514 25 Nov 2011
    0574 09 Dec 2011
    0505 07 Jan 2012
    0366 27 Feb 2012

    dncholas Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 6:07 am

    I went to radiationnetwork(com) and I don’t see any elevated levels but there’s only one remote sensor near there but I see higher levels there and in Utah that other states but nowhere near the alert level. ?

    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 6:11 am

    and no if you friendlys are asking I mucked up on the last pair of months or so cause I got injured and then sick after that, so I didn’t take a controlled same place measurement. Now I am fine, if being in pain 24/7 is considered fine. Certainly aint a problem with changing the filter.

    I keep my own floor and controlled test-bed or being apathetic?
    Like voting I think, nobody to vote for, why bother? No ron paul when the electoral college is the judge.

    I know we got dusted and I also fscking read enenews, I know some exagerate, and some like me tell it like it is.

    I tell it like it is.
    I hate the electoral college about this time of year. It makes my head hurt bad ;o(

    Fsck the global warming crap, what about the corruption?

    OK y/N = ? _

  2. They are worried about this nonsense….but not about the gun running, murderer, Eric Holder,……..who runs the DOJ?

    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:48 am

    yep. Eric Holder the OATHBREAKER

  3. this is false-flag attempt to censor the internet. soon we’re going to need digital passports to communicate with people in other countries. VILE, UN-AMERICAN SCUM!

    Phillip Reply:
    April 5th, 2012 at 5:50 am

    No. What you need is strong encryption and common sense and a clear mind from the fear driven bullshit.

  4. What is really needed is a DEATH TO OATHBREAKERS ACT.

    Fast track the motherfucker!

  5. Be original

  6. oh nevermind bush-clinton ramming NAFTA-GATT through,
    handing all technology and production to China,
    inclusive to the contents of OUR patent offices…

    thats what they’re expecting us to swallow,
    just like the monica lewinski blue dress sideshow, OKC, 911, etc.

  7. As I live less than thirty minutes drive from GCHQ in Cheltenham I thought I would write them an honest letter “informing” them what I think:

    IF the papers are anything to go by, that is to say the “lame scream media” who propagandise and tell lies then it becomes extremely difficult to know what is the truth. When the only source of some truth is the internet and “alternative news” then I suppose you think it only right that it should be monitored (for our protection of course) Well if that is what you think then you are bigger fools and apologists than I could ever have imagined you to be, you are insane if you think for one minute that this “safety net” is the slightest bit useful. Imagine if you will a group of lame ducks sitting in a tiny cavern in northern Afghanistan who have decided that the “decadent west” needs to be taught a lesson? what do you do?? With no formal education, no money in your pocket, no real idea how you are going to do it and not even a car to travel the several hundred miles to an international airport, no passport because hey! yer a “terrorist” what do you do.??

    Well you join an organisation actually created by the CIA and with the help of MOSSAD and MI6 that took the remnants of the Mujahadeen and turned them into a proxy army (I take it you are intelligent enough to know what a “proxy army” is?) you are then trained by the CIA how to fly the most rudimentary aircraft (this is called setting the stage) you steal a highly advanced airliner, turn off its beacon, then BEAT ALL OF THE WORLDS MOST INTELLIGENT ANALYSTS AND MOST SKILLED COMBAT PILOTS, MOST LETHAL ANTI-AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS and kill yourself in a suicide attack?? I THINK NOT, and if you do then you are an insult to intelligence operatives the world over and ought to be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

    If YOU believe YOU are doing a “great job” then I suggest that the powers that be create a new medal for all GCHQ technicians called the Orwell Medal for spending hours reading people personal mail and flagging up “potential” terrorists when in fact the true potential for terrorism is actually the usage of GCHQ for none war related activity. The “WAR” on “TERROR” is a “FICTION” just as Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire is a “FICTION” the entire storyline is a “FICTIONAL STORY” but has many “REAL” ACTORS and THEY are known as PATSIES. JUST LIKE YOU, THEY ARE PATSY ACTORS on an Orwellian stage and if someone in government realised the value of a PATSY TAX it would raise MILLIONs.

    Now I know it must be extremely difficult for your tiny brains to comprehend the possibility of there being NO REAL TERRORISTS, unfortunately that just happens to be true. Enjoy your patsy tax coming from your pay and I would recommend a minimum of 88 pence in the pound, that ought to wake you up a bit.

    I expect a knock on the door in the next couple of days.

  8. Oh yes, there’s not way to keep up with the paranoia driven agendas going on.

  9. @Phillip, data origin== CEMP

  10. The radiation level in Rachel Nevada, USA was 0.500 µSv/h on 04-apr.-2012 13:50

  11. Did I miss something on this thread? It is about Internet censorship.

  12. No, but there is no thread about radiation in nevada so I posted it here

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