Grape-flavored Infants’ Tylenol recalled

Johnson Johnson‘s subsidiary McNeil issued a recall Friday of 574,000 bottles of an infants version of its popular Tylenol pain and fever relief drug over problems with the dosing system.

The recall applies specifically to one-ounce bottles of grape-flavored Infants’ Tylenol Oral Suspension distributed nationwide in the United States.

Tylenol maker McNeil Consumer Healthcare said it had received “a small number of complaints” from consumers who reported trouble with the dosing system which comes with the bottles.

Some reported that a built-in flow restrictor meant to control doses could be pushed into the bottle making it difficult to measure the correct dose for infants.

It said that if the flow restrictor remains in place there is no risk from using the medicine.

But it issued the recall as a precautionary measure.

“No adverse events associated with this action have been reported to date and the risk of a serious adverse medical event is remote,” McNeil said.

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