‘Greece to get loan tranche by Dec. 19’

“The full amount should arrive by Wednesday,” the unnamed official said on Tuesday.

Referring to the first tranche of the bailout loan, he added, “A payment of seven billion euros ($9.2 billion) was made on Monday. There will be another 11.3 billion euros for debt buyback plus 16 billion euros to recapitalize Greek banks.”

Reports say that another 14.8 billion euros from the aid package, which Athens intends to use to pay off debts and help its cash-strapped banks, will be distributed in the first quarter of 2013.

Eurozone’s lenders approved the loan on December 13 after the implementation of harsh austerity measures by the country.

To release the funds, which Greece’s creditors had frozen since June, Athens had to introduce tax hikes and spending cuts much to the anger of its people.

The country has been surviving on bailout loans from international creditors since May 2010.

The delay over receiving the loan has increased hardship for the Greek people and has led to demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of protesters.

One out of every five Greek workers is reportedly unemployed, banks are in a shaky position, and pensions and salaries have been slashed by up to 40 percent.


Source Article from http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2012/12/18/278741/greece-to-get-loan-tranche-by-dec-19/

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