Greek Leftists rule out technocratic government as leaders meet again

The prospect that a future Greek government would renege on bailout pledges
sent European shares sliding and Spanish and Italian bond yields higher on
Monday. Investors fear a Greek exit from the euro would pile risks on other
euro zone economies with debt problems.

Papoulias, 82, named a technocrat prime minister six months ago when Greece’s
two biggest parties – the conservatives and socialists – joined forces to
enact the bailout. But both of those parties were punished in last week’s
election, and those which oppose the bailout now are stronger, angrier and
in no mood to compromise.

Socialist leader Evangelos Venizelos, whose party commanded a majority in the
outgoing parliament but was reduced to third place behind Syriza in last
week’s electoral earthquake, backed the technocrat proposal but expressed
doubt it would succeed.

“It’s not normal to have a government by technocrats or personalities but when
you are in such a crisis, in such a dead end, we have to accept this as

He added: “Things are very difficult. I’m not optimistic.”

The leader of the moderate Democratic Left party, which has enough seats to
offer the pro-bailout parties a majority but has refused to join a coalition
without Syriza, said he opposed the president’s suggestion.

“I told the president that a government by technocrats or personalities would
suggest the failure of politics, and raised my objection,” Fotis Kouvelis

Euro zone finance ministers and officials met in Brussels on Monday, where
they were asked repeatedly about whether Greece could keep using the euro or
might receive softer bailout terms.

Euro group president Jean-Claude Juncker said a new Greek government could
potentially raise the question of extending deadlines to meet some of its
austerity targets, as long as it was still firmly committed to them.

“The Greek government would have to make clear it is fully committed to the
programme, and then if there were exceptional circumstances we wouldn’t
exclude discussing this issue,” he said. “Anyway, there wouldn’t be any
substantive changes involved.”

Juncker spoke strongly against the prospect of a Greek exit from the euro: “I
don’t envisage, not for one second, Greece leaving the euro area. This is
nonsense. This is propaganda.”

But even as they strongly resist suggestions Greece might have to give up the
currency, EU officials have broken a taboo by openly discussing it, a
sea-change in the mood in Brussels.

“We wish Greece will remain in the euro and we hope Greece will remain in the
euro … but it must respect its commitments,” European Commission
spokeswoman Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen said in Brussels, responding to a question
she would have probably avoided just weeks ago.

“Greece has its future in its own hands and it is really up to Greece to see
what the response should be.”

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