Gregory Todd, who proposed in court to Tiffany Baillie who stabbed him, is delighted as she accepts

Daily Mail Reporter

14:18 EST, 11 April 2012


14:58 EST, 11 April 2012

Gregory Todd, seen here with the engagement ring outside Hull Crown Court, took the unusual step of proposing to his girlfriend as she was being sentenced for stabbing him

Gregory Todd, seen here with the engagement ring outside Hull Crown Court, took the unusual step of proposing to his girlfriend as she was being sentenced for stabbing him

A chef who almost died after being knifed by his girlfriend is to marry her as soon as she leaves prison after a judge jailed her for three years.

Gregory Todd, 48, left Hull Crown Court in tears despite hearing his girlfriend had said yes to his court room proposal.

Mr Todd almost died when Tiffany Baillie, 32, plunged an 8in kitchen knife into his back as he slept.

But he appeared at Hull Crown Court last week with a white gold diamond solitaire ring to propose in court in an act of forgiveness.

He had to wait 24 hours to be told the marriage proposal, relayed by her barrister, had been accepted in a phonecall from Newhall Prison to his home in Hessle which the couple share.

Baillie, 32, who had been depressed after a miscarriage, has been forgiven by Mr Todd who spent three months in hospital recovering from a damaged pancreas and spleen after she attacked him two weeks after losing his baby.

Mr Todd had written an emotional letter to the judge which was read out in court, it said: ‘She has made a big mistake that she will regret for the rest of her life. Please show compassion and allow her to prove what a valuable member of society she is and a mother to her son. She will have a husband, if you allow us to marry. I promise we won’t let you down.’

Judge Michael Mettyear who heard of the proposal last Thursday in Hull Crown Court had adjourned the sentencing hearing to consider what weight he could give to the victims appeal for mercy. Baillie had admitted GBH with intent after denying attempted murder.

Tiffany Baillie stabbed Gregory Todd after a row which stemmed from her suffering a miscarriage just two weeks before the incident

Tiffany Baillie stabbed Gregory Todd after a row which stemmed from her suffering a miscarriage just two weeks before the incident

Judge Mettyear said: ‘You must realise what you did could have killed him or caused him long-term serious injury. I will sentence you on the basis he has fully recovered or nearly recovered from the attack. The offence was aggravated by the use of a knife and the fact he was asleep at the time of the stabbing.’

He said the use of drink that night was not mitigation. He continued: ‘A person who goes out and gets drunk is still fully responsible for the consequences of their actions. Having said that there are mitigating features. You are a person of good character.

‘There has been an admission of remorse I accept that you pleaded guilty at the first opportunity. I also accept that you are a carer of a 12-year-old son and imprisonment will have an effect on him.’

He said he had to balance those features with the serious nature of the stabbing and had come to the conclusion prison was inevitable.

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