Greyhound Racing animal cruelty

The Plight of Australian Greyhounds




  • Tens of thousands of greyhounds are disposed of by the racing industry in Australia some 25,000 are born each year.
  • Of these dogs only about half reach naming and training age. Thousands of puppies and young dogs are routinely killed.
  • Many thousands more will fail to chase, will not be fast enough or will be injured while racing and will also be destroyed.
  • Those that go on to race will have short careers. They will finish racing between the ages of 2 and 4.
  • The average life span for a greyhound is 12 years although only a handful see out their natural lives. Less than 500 a year go through the adoption programme.
  • The industry has no accountability for the countless thousands of dogs that disappear each year; no one knows what happens to them.
  • Up to 1000 a year are exported to Asia for racing, countries such as Korea and China. These are countries known for their huge illegal trade in dog meat for human consumption.
  • Many greyhounds are seeing out their days in the confinement of Laboratories and Universities and are being subjected to cruel experiments.
  • Many greyhounds are trained using live animals (baiting) such as rabbits and possums even though this practice is illegal.
  • There is no accountability for these dogs .All greyhound pups are recorded and ear tattooed at birth and yet after this there is no record of them or where they go.


Greyhound Facts

  • Greyhounds are naturally docile and gentle dogs and given the chance they make loving and faithful companions. They do not require a lot of exercise.
  • If you have room for a greyhound companion in your life you will be richly rewarded. They adjust quickly to family life and are easy to house train. Their greatest love is a comfortable couch.
  • They generally fit in well with other animals and are renowned for being good with children.
  • Greyhound racing has been recognised as a cruel sport and therefore banned in 6 states of the USA and also in South Africa. This is partly due to the high rate of accidents caused to racing dogs and the huge numbers of dogs disposed of annually by the industry.
  • Greyhounds are the world�s oldest breed of dog dating back 5000 years. They were the much respected companions of the Egyptians, Romans, Pharaohs and early Greeks.
  • They were also the much loved companions of Queen Cleopatra and Queen Elizabeth1 and they are the only dog to be mentioned in the Bible.
  • When Governor Phillip arrived with the first colonists in 1778 he also bought greyhounds with him.
  • Greyhounds are a breed free of the hereditary ailments that many other dog breeds are susceptible to.

The Killing of Greyhounds

Photos below will be distressing to some viewers. If you prefer, skip to the AACT Now section to find out how you can help.

  • Up to 20,000 greyhounds are killed in Australia annually.
  • Many greyhounds are disposed of by extremely cruel methods as the cheapest way is the best way for many people involved in the industry.



This is Kamaksan, an Australian greyhound who collapsed after a race and was left to die

  • Beating, drowning and shooting are common methods of disposal. The cutting of throats has also been reported. In some countries hanging is a preferred method.
  • Many Greyhounds are used as an ingredient of blood and bone.
  • Greyhounds have been found shot and still alive in dumps and even buried alive with their ears removed to avoid identification as was the case in Tasmania is September 2004 where the unfortunate dog was still alive; her ears hacked off to avoid identification from the tattoos. She was destroyed to end her terrible suffering.
  • There have been many cases of greyhounds found starving and in less than adequate housing.

Greyhounds in Vivisection

Abuse of the gentle greyhound is unforgivable

  • There are many thousands more greyhounds bred than could ever race in this country which means a huge over supply of dogs and sadly a never ending supply for research purposes.
  • Any bitch can be used for breeding even if she has never won a race. Of those born the failure rate in this industry is high.
  • A substantial number of these dogs are sent to Universities and Laboratories around Australia for research purposes. There they suffer in silence living out their remaining time in the confinement of small concrete pens. This varies from days to years of confinement.
  • There is no chance of exercise and many are de barked so they can make no verbal protest.

Should Our Slow Greyhounds Become Asia�s Fast Food?

  • Australia is the main player in creating, promoting and encouraging greyhound racing in Asia. Countries such as Korea, China, Vietnam and Macau. It is of great concern that Australia is exporting greyhounds to these countries.
  • There are no provisions made for these dogs when they finish racing in Asia and no chance of re homing. Countries such as Korea and China are notorious for their barbaric illegal thriving trade in dog meat for human consumption.
  • These dogs are killed in the cruellest possible ways as many Koreans believe that the rush of adrenalin through the dogs� body as it dies in agony will increase human virility.
  • Millions of dogs each year are electrocuted, strangled, skinned alive or bludgeoned to death in Korea.
  • This is the fate of some Australian greyhounds. Others have been found terrorised and wandering the streets starving in South Korea. Dogs that started their lives in Australia, and were betrayed by individuals involved in the racing industry because they were not quite fast enough for our tracks.

More Information

Haven’t seen enough to convince you? More photos (warning that some of these are more offensive than those shown above).

AACT NowGreyhound Action Australasia has been set up to target and expose the ruthless greyhound industry not only in Australia but also in New Zealand and Asia. Find out more about them at:
Email them with any information on greyhound cruelty or to help with their campaign to end this suffering: [email protected]Please write to voice your protest!Hon. Joe Ludwig, Senator
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry,
PO Box 6022, Parliament House, CANBERRA ACT 2600
Email: [email protected]
Sample LetterMr. Russell Ware, Chairman
Greyhounds Australasia Limited
PO Box 239
Springvale VIC 3171
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (03) 9548 3488
Minister for Racing (Victoria)
The Hon Rob Hulls, MLA
Minister for Racing
Level 3, 1 Treasury Place,
Email: [email protected]
New South Wales is the main state for exports:Mr Brent Hogan, Chief Executive
Greyhound Racing Authority of New South Wales
PO Box 170
Concord West NSW 2138
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (02) 8767 0500
Bryan Green
Minister for Racing
Level 1, Public Buildings, Franklin Square,
Hobart TAS 7000
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (03) 6233 6454
Sample Letter

Sample letter to Joe Ludwig, who is responsible for live exports

Dear Mr. Ludwig,

I am writing to you with reference to the Australian greyhounds that are exported to Asia for the purpose of racing and breeding. They are enduring terrible cruelty and once they are no longer making a profit some are butchered in the barbaric dog meat industry while others have been found starving and wandering the streets too terrified and brutalized to trust humans any longer. There is no chance for re homing of these dogs in Asia.

You have the power to stop these atrocities, therefore, I urge you to show compassion and take action to ban the export of greyhounds to Asia.

Yours sincerely,


Sample letter for the Australian greyhound racing industry

Dear Sir,

I am appalled to discover that you support the export of greyhounds to Asia and have made no attempt to stop this appalling trade in companion animals. It is totally unacceptable for you to turn a blind eye to the greyhound atrocities. Surely you are aware that there is no opportunity of re-homing greyhounds in Asia and that many are ending their days being butchered in the barbaric dog meat industry while others have been found tortured and starving wandering the streets. I call upon you to rethink your position and work with the government in taking the appropriate measures to stop the export of greyhounds to Asia.


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7 Responses to “Greyhound Racing animal cruelty”

  1. Con says:

    Poor animals.

    I have not seen one person who races a greyhound, keep their dog in a good enviroment.

    Greyhounds are always kept in small cages day and night.

    I’ve known a friend who’s father kept his race dog in a corrugated iron shed, about the size of a household washing machine.

    The dog would stay in this tiny shed at the back of a takeaway shop in NSW Pagewood 24/7 in souring temperatures.

    This is just typical from owners of greyhounds that use them to make money.

    • lynne says:

      i would like to make a comment on this subject, in all walks of life there is animal cruelty, the shelters are full of unwanted beautiful animals that have no longer met with humans criterea, i personaly have greyhounds, spoilt rotton love them to death hamburgers or ice cream after they race, and thats if they come no where as well, the icecream van and hot dog van outside of tracks, quite often have the greyhound custumer looking up for there purchase, many of us love our dogs please dont put us all in the same catagory, like all the dogs and cats in shelters there are many in homes that are a part of the family, just letting people know there is another side to this,dont tar us all with the same brush your sincerley lynne aldou

  2. RON says:

    I am feeling horrible.Are they human?
    I don’t think so.These people should be electrocuted .

  3. FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda Chris Roubis says:

    I understand Brett, but the problem are those gambling betting greedy assholes that own greyhounds and treat them like shit outside of the racing tracks.

    I have seen it myself.. caged under a corrugated iron shed the size of a washing machine packaging box in the hot sun, behind a fish and chip shop in Pagewood Sydney.

    Most of these type of owners and not pet owners or dog lovers.. their greyhound is a tool to make them money.

  4. Brett Lazzarini says:

    Chris from my experience in the past I think your right, Gambling is a by product that came after people started to race them and the government now get such a huge chunk of money that they tell us when, were and how the sport will be run.
    Owners and trainers like that are now being weeded out times are changing and now any racing greyhounds are housed under GRNSW regulations in accordance with animal housing guide lines to assure the animal is housed in an inclosure that is to high standard and has to be inspected “before” you get your license and is subject to ongoing inspections at any given time and you would be surprised how many people are animals lovers in the sport now and not for money.
    Horses are heard animals and live on open plains yet are locked in 3×3 boxes most of there life. God lets face it there are people that torture humans so it is going to be a never ending battle to stop anything in this world. There are just people in all walks of life that do bad things.
    If this is about animals then lets not single out greyhounds they are “NOW” the best cared for out of “ALL” racing codes and a lot better cared for then a lot of pets, yet still get harassed, No other code has the same infrastructure that the greyhounds do in place for there animals nor does more to make sure they are cared for, not only while they race but after they have finished. There are FAR WORSE cases of animal cruelty on a whole to waste our misguide efforts on an industry that is actually doing above and beyond what it can do to assure that the animals are breed, raced and retired as well as possible.

  5. FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda Chris Roubis says:

    A friend of mine adopted a beautiful female black greyhound from the animal shelter a week ago, because the dog wasn’t the past owners prize winner any more.. they bought a younger greyhound to train up, so she got dumped for being older.

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