Groping The TSA: Woman Convicted of Battery

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

A woman has been convicted for groping a TSA worker.

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2 Responses to “Groping The TSA: Woman Convicted of Battery”

  1. Battery is the unlawful touching of one person by another. Appears to me that the TSA is guilty of battery every day, multiple counts.

  2. Those who want to fly, take the train or bus, have a decision to make. Either take to the streets with violent intent to punish those who touch your junk, or don’t fly and/or ride the train or bus. Protesting in the streets with signs only give the powers that be entertainment and cause them to yawn. Its only when you hit their wallet, or when they look down and see blood running out of a little hole in their white shirtpocket will they take notice. Your call.

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