GSA and Prostitutes: More Distractions

The General Services Administration investigator who revealed a wild agency spending spree said Monday he’s investigating possible bribery and kickbacks, and has already recommended criminal charges to the Justice Department. The key figure in the scandal invoked his right to remain silent at the House hearing. Inspector General Brian Miller made clear that he’s not done investigating GSA current and former officials, following his lengthy report April 2 on an October 2010 Las Vegas conference that cost taxpayers $823,000. – AP

Dominant Social Theme: US government officials are finally taking their responsibilities seriously.

Free-Market Analysis: The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur makes a point that we would make about two recent pieces of news.

The point he makes is that the GSA over-spending on a national conference is small change compared to the real waste inherent in the US government’s US$3 trillion budget.

Of course, being the head of a leftist news organization, Uygur makes the point that there are larger giveaways that have a so-called Republican taint, and thus these difficulties are not merely “owned” by the administration of Barack Obama.

So he gets credit for being “half right.” But only in a narrow sense.

It seems to us that this GSA expose – a flagrant waste of US$ 800,000 on a single conference – is being hyped as a kind of distraction to focus people on issues that have little import within the larger picture.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The other distraction we’ve noticed is the prostitute scandal in Colombia where a secret service agent apparently refused to pay a hooker what he owed her. By doing so he supposedly precipitated an international scandal that will doubtless result in months of headlines as US officials prove they are capable of policing their own as well as the rest of the country.

The Alex Jones news channel has a good analysis of this kind of psy-op – a distraction, as we would argue.

The bottom line is that the US is embroiled in numerous wars, several of them failing, is mired in something like US$ 200 trillion in debt, all in, and the dollar reserve system itself is under attack and failing.

The US is basically in a depression and thanks to what we call the Internet Reformation people can see and hear the decline and fall of “empire” in ways they were not able to in the 20th century.

Much of this unrolling disaster may be manufactured on purpose by a global power elite that wants to create international governance and is using war and economic turmoil to create a new order in the world.

But it is a race to the ultimate destination. Either large masses of people will realize they are being manipulated, or they will not. These distractions are manufactured to indicate that government officials are acting in a moral and thoughtful way in rooting out turpitude of all kinds.

They are not, however. The corruption of the US federal government, of all Western governments, is at this point almost indescribable. They’ve been co-opted by a power elite that apparently uses them to initiate policies that purposely stir up more confusion and chaos.

The faster and harder Western governments fall, the easier it will be to create global government.

Thus, government in the West has become inherently anti-citizen, it seems to us. This also explains the disconnect between government and the “people” – and why it continues to grow.

The elites are using government for their own purposes. They utilize mercantilism to pursue their own aims. Since it is not good strategy to make this obvious, government around the world – and especially the US government, which is a primary driver of global governance – must be presented as something other than what it is.

Cenk’s analysis, which you can see below, grasps a small part of this larger point. In our view, of course, by not making the larger issues evident he’s misleading his audience in his own way. But at least he’s speaking to the issue of vast amounts of money the US government wastes every day.

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