Hague: Nuclear Iran can start cold war

“If they [Iranians] obtain nuclear weapons capability, then I think other nations across the Middle East will want to develop nuclear weapons,” Hague said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph.

“And so, the most serious round of nuclear proliferation since nuclear weapons were invented would have begun with all the destabilizing effects in the Middle East. And the threat of a new cold war in the Middle East without necessarily all the safety mechanisms,” he warned, referring to the US-USSR rivalry.

Hague once again stressed that “all options must remain on the table” regarding Iran, repeating the Western military threats against Tehran.

However, he warned that Iran being “attacked militarily” would have “enormous downsides.”

This is while a defense think tank at the Royal United Services Institute, Shashank Joshi, said Western fears over Iran’s nuclear program could be unfounded.

“If we could live with nuclear weapons in the hands of totalitarian, genocidal states like Stalin’s Russia or Mao’s China, Iran in contrast… is far more rational,” he told state-run BBC.

The United States, Israel and their European allies accuse Tehran of pursuing military objectives in its nuclear program and have used this pretext to push for international and unilateral sanctions against the Islamic Republic and threaten the country with a military attack.

Tehran says it is entitled to the peaceful use of nuclear technology because it has been subjected to snap IAEA inspections due to its policy of nuclear transparency unlike Israel which refuses to allow the inspection of its nuclear facilities or to join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) based on its policy of nuclear ambiguity.


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