Iran not behind attacks on friendly states

“It is hard to imagine that the Iranian government would send Iranian operatives to friendly countries, completely equipped with Iranian money and passports – making the case against them as obvious as possible,” Arshin Adib-Moghaddam wrote on The Guardian .

The political analyst and author asked how could Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guard Corps launch such a “clumsy and self-defeating operation” when, as has been repeatedly admitted by Israeli politicians themselves, they are such a “professional, highly trained and politically savvy” organization.

On Tuesday, a man hurled a grenade at Thai police and a cab. The attacker was injured seriously in the blast. Bangkok police say they found Iranian identification documents on the maimed man. The site of the blast is just a few miles from the Israeli Embassy.

Earlier in the day, a house rented by three men, who police say were Iranians, exploded when a cache of explosives went off by accident. Soon after that, there was a third blast on a nearby road, Thai police said.

The three explosions in Bangkok happened one day after bomb attacks targeted Israeli Embassy staff in India and Georgia.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Iran was behind the attacks. Iran rejected the accusations as baseless and said that they are a part of Tel Aviv’s psychological warfare campaign against Iran

“What would be the motive for damaging relations with one of Iran’s major trading partners and regional heavyweights?”

India has resisted the recent intensified US and EU sanctions against Iran’s oil sector and announced plans to pay 45 percent of its USD 12.68-billion annual oil imports from Iran in rupees. New Delhi is also looking to increase its trade balance that is currently tilted in Iran’s favor.

“Similarly, Iran has good economic and political relations with Georgia and Thailand,” Adib-Moghaddam said, adding, “It is politics that will prevail over the truth in this case.”

According to the analyst, the Netanyahu administration will attempt to exploit the situation in order to make the case for increasing sanctions against Iran.

“Undoubtedly, it (Israel) will attempt to derail Iranian-Indian relations, which has been a primary objective of the administration’s grand strategy to isolate Iran,” Adib-Moghaddam said.

He added that for Tel Aviv, “the culprit of these attacks has to be the Iranian government, irrespective of the truth, because it is politically expedient to represent the country as an existential threat in order to hype up the nuclear issue and to divert attention away from the Palestinian question.”

“Certainly, on the fringes of the Israeli right wing the drumbeats for war will beat louder,” Adib-Moghaddam concluded.


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