Hamas condemns Molho and Erakat’s meeting

[ PIC 10/06/2012 – 07:46 PM ]

Poster reads: You made us sick with negotiations

GAZA,(PIC)– The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” condemned the continuous secret meetings and negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli occupation.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman, said, during an exclusive interview with PIC on Sunday, commenting on the Haaretz’s report about the Palestinian and Israeli authorities’ meetings that the PA is still betting on the peace illusion and it is still negotiating with the Zionist occupation.

He added that these facts demonstrated that all the PA conditions for the resumption of what it called negotiation with the Israeli side is an attempt to cover up the continuing farce of negotiations.

Haaretz has stated on Sunday that “a line of quiet communication between PA and Israeli authorities was established since two months”.

Haaretz newspaper revealed that the communication line has been re-established by Prime Minister Netanyahu’s special envoy Isaac Molho and senior Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat.

The Hebrew newspaper reported that the lawyer Molho had held two meetings with Erekat during the last month in which they discussed the approval on the PA request to transfer military equipment from Jordan to the security services in the West Bank.

It is noted that the PA has continuously stressed that it refuses any political meeting with the Israeli occupation until the halt of settlement building, the release of the Palestinian old prisoners, and the recognition of the UN resolutions as a reference for the negotiations.

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