Have-a-go-hero: Tory MP injured after trying to stop a man smashing up a bus shelter

  • Thug squared up to Peterborough MP Stewart Jackson then launched a flurry of punches and kicks
  • A 20-year-old man was detained by Cambridgeshire Police

Daily Mail Reporter

14:47 EST, 28 July 2012


14:48 EST, 28 July 2012

Injured: Stewart Jackson MP was attacked trying to perform a citizen's arrest

Injured: Stewart Jackson MP was attacked trying to perform a citizen’s arrest

A Tory MP has been injured after challenging a man who was vandalising a bus shelter.

Backbencher Stewart Jackson said he tried to make a citizen’s arrest after seeing the man smash the glass with a bottle.

But the culprit fled after kicking the have-a-go-hero in the chest.

Mr Jackson, who had been shopping with his wife and daughter in his Peterborough constituency this afternoon, posted about the incident on Twitter.

‘Had set to with violent thug kicking in bus shelter in Broadway suffered kick in side for pains,’ he wrote.

He told the BBC: ‘I thought any of the shards could have injured a woman or a child so I tried to make a citizen’s arrest.

‘He squared up to me and threw a few blows which missed but he swung a kick which made contact but I was not badly injured.

‘He then ran away and my wife called the police.’

Cambridgeshire Police said a 20-year-old man was detained after officers were called to the scene at 3.10pm today.

Attacked: Stewart Jackson MP Tweeted about his 'set to with a violent thug'

Attacked: Stewart Jackson MP Tweeted about his ‘set to with a violent thug’

The civic-minded MP’s actions provoked a mixed reaction from his Twitter followers.

‏@orderlyplayer asked whether Mr Jackson should have let police handle the incident, tweeting: ‘@SJacksonMP perhaps you should have had some sense and call the police before you went in all guns blazing!’

But other users on the social network were quick to back Mr Jackson.

Daniel Hill, tweeting under the name ‏@IRDanIeL said: ‘@SJacksonMP Great to see you taking a stand. Hope you’re okay!’

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