Herald Sun editor quits during restructure

The editor of Melbourne’s Herald Sun newspaper has resigned as parent company News Ltd continues in a major restructure.

Staff were told on Friday morning that Simon Pristel had tendered his resignation.

Other News Ltd companies, Sky News and The Australian, are also reporting Mr Pristel’s sudden resignation.

Sunday Herald Sun editor Damon Johnston had been appointed editor of the Herald Sun, Mr Williams said in a statement.

He said Phil Gardner remained editor-in-chief of the Herald Sun but had been asked to continue to lead the transformation of the newsroom to a seven-day, multi-channel operation.

“Additionally, Phil will concentrate on overseeing the vitally important editions of the Herald Sun on Saturday, the Sunday Herald Sun and their related digital products,” he said.

Mr Williams said the new editorial model for News Victoria reflected the company’s commitment to seven-day, consumer-first publishing.

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