Homeopathic remedies and Herbal medicines may stop the spread of parasites causing Chagas disease

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(NaturalNews) The latest health horror known as Chagas disease, or the AIDS of the Americas has appeared in both Latin and Central America, infecting over 8 million individuals. Those individuals affected seem to have certain traits in common with early AIDS patients in that many live in poverty with little access to health care treatment.

The disease is transmitted to humans through bites from blood-sucking insects bearing a parasite that is deposited under the skin. Known as the “kissing bug” it prefers to bite its victims in the face during sleep, leaving an itchy red welt. The early stages are characterized by swelling of one eye, fever, and swollen red area at the site of the bite. Upon awakening, when the individual scratches the welt it releases the parasite into the blood stream, wrecking havoc with the immune system. The long term health problems developing from kissing bug bites involve enlarged hearts or intestines which can burst and fail suddenly causing immediate death. Treatment takes months, is rarely effective and the medicines are highly toxic.

Several homeopathic remedies and herbs may help stop the spread of parasites causing this disease before it gets deeply imbedded in the system — if it’s caught it time.

Ledum is a widely known treatment for the stings of venomous insects. It neutralizes venom and speeds recovery from poisoning. It’s appropriate for any insect bite, especially those that produce severe itching and coldness at the site of the bite. The skin may be bluish or purple, feel cold to the touch and look bruised. Take a dose of Ledum as soon as you realize you’ve been stung. There may be arthritic joint aches and pains accompanying the early stages after being bitten.

Apis is a useful remedy for insect bites that produce red, hot, swollen welts that itch mercilessly and sting or burn. The swollen area appears filled with fluid and itching is relieved by cold applications.

Tarentula Cubensis is called for in cases where sepsis sets in after being bitten by a venomous insect. There may be red or purple boils oozing with pus. Tremendous burning pains are present throughout the body with systemic swelling of various organs. Patients may have the peculiar symptom restless legs during attacks. Chills, fever, gangrenous flesh are present.

Anthracinum is useful in cases where the site of the bite becomes septic and infected . Terrible burning pains at the site of the bite, where tissues are swollen and ulcerated. The infection moves rapidly through the skin into underlying tissue.

Urtica Urens is used in cases where there are large, red, swollen hives and terrible itching. It’s often associated with allergic reactions, which can be produced by stinging insects. Rheumatic pains may be present in the joints as well as nerve pains throughout the body after being bitten by a kissing bug.

The following substances are known for possessing potent anti-parasitic agents and can be consumed in teas or used topically. Start treatment immediately upon discovery of being bitten in an attempt to prevent the spread of the parasites that cause Chagas.

· Green coconut juice mixed with olive oil
· Pau d’Arco tea
· Colloidal silver
· Garlic tea
· Grapefruit seed extract
· Oil of Oregano
· Turmeric
· Black walnut extract

Certain homeopathic remedies are only available through homeopathic practitioners. If you live in an area where you may be susceptible to being bitten, stock up on herbs and homeopathic remedies ahead of time.

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About the author:
JB Bardot is trained in herbal medicine and homeopathy, and has a post graduate degree in holistic nutrition. Bardot cares for both people and animals, using alternative approaches to health care and lifestyle. She writes about wellness, green living, alternative medicine, holistic nutrition, homeopathy, herbs and naturopathic medicine. READ HER OTHER ARTICLES ON NATURAL NEWS HERE: http://www.naturalnews.com/Author1686.html You can find her on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001364941208ref=tn_tnmn or on Twitter at jbbardot23 https://twitter.com/#!/jbbardot23

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Homeopathic remedies and Herbal medicines may stop the spread of parasites causing Chagas disease – the new AIDS of the Americas

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