How Much Do You Think I Deserve To Keep?

Bob Livingston
Personal Liberty Digest
September 19, 2011

One of the best questions ever asked in a political debate was posed by a young man at last week’s GOP debate in Tampa, Fla.

He asked, “Out of every dollar that I earn, how much of that do you think I deserve to keep?” Moderator Wolf Blitzer directed the question to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, who said: “…for you we leave it at 8 percent, 14 percent, 24 percent.” Then Blitzer moved the discussion to corporate tax breaks.

The original question wasn’t posed to any of the other candidates. Why? And why did they not come back to answer the question later?

Because the questioner touched on a subject sensitive to the elites. They think the money we earn is theirs and we should keep only what they, in their infinite mercy, allow us to have.

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19 Responses to “How Much Do You Think I Deserve To Keep?”

  1. We deserve to keep it all. No income tax, no property taxes. We need infrastructure and some of the services that the government provides. But we don’t need them all. Education control should be moved to the states along with healthcare and all forms of welfare. At the current rate, what they’re doing is stealing.

  2. The country was built without the income tax. The country has been destroyed since then.

  3. When stolen money is called “taxes”, it is proclaimed by the thieves to be right and proper. The fact that it is stolen makes that a lie, and it’s a lie that victims believe less and less.

    What makes money, or anything else, fall under the description of “stolen”? Something is stolen from you when you have not authorized transference to someone else. For this to occur, your gift of freedom of choice has to be ignored by the thief. You did not grant permission for another to take something from you. In addition, another great principle that applies to all people has to be violated. That is the principle of ownership. If we don’t own any rights, then we can’t own freedom of choice, and we can’t own any possessions. We can’t even own ourselves.

    Ownership and choice are individual rights that people use to, among other things, establish their own governments. They bestow upon their governments certain privileges for the officers to act for their benefit. When people in government positions bestow rights to themselves, to others, and to organizations; and when they issue privileges to the nation’s people in the place of rights; they steal ownership and choice, and they establish themselves as a great evil among the people.

    Reversal of the application of correct principles is a reversal of justice, and the reversal of justice is destruction.

  4. Right-wingers, don’t you see that you are playing right into the hands of the elites? Ever since William Jennings Bryan, they have been able to rely on the Left/Right division to keep a truly strong Populist movement from rising up. Study that election. It was a struggle between the majority of the population and the financial elites, same as now, same as in every election since. Most people do NOT want the country and the economy run by a bunch of elite bankers and robber-baron industrialists. Bryan SHOULD have won that election – and I’m not saying that Bryan was the perfect populist or anything like that – but populism split along urban vs. rural, black vs. white, traditionalist vs. socialist lines, and it has done so ever since. As a result, we are now looking at a future of global bankster rule, total oppression, total fascism, total defeat for humanity. Why? BECAUSE THE RIGHT AND THE LEFT PREFERRED TO HATE EACH OTHER THAN TO FACE THEIR COMMON ENEMY. It really is that simple.

    Think about how this plays out in reality. When the poor folks in the city say ‘we need food stamps, because we have no farms, and there are no jobs’, you say ‘HELL NO, YOU AREN’T GETTING ANY OF MY MONEY!’ But then when you say ‘help, Monsanto is taking over my farm and my neighbors’ farms too’, what do you expect the poor folks in the city to say? Of course what they say is ‘heck, I don’t have a farm, I’m lucky if I have a corner of the sidewalk to piss on, so why should I care about your farm?’

    Like I said, I know you right wingers are not dumb. You are plenty smart. Is clinging to your bigoted hatred for the left REALLY more important to you than fighting back global tyranny? We are all facing the same enemy, and we really have a lot in common, if we’d only stop hating each other. Let me give you an example of how we could all do better.

    What if you folks on the right wing came out against the relentless, anti-constitutional stop-and-search assaults on poor people in the city, and what if poor people in the city, in turn, came out against the relentless, anti-constitutional stop-and-search assaults by the TSA at airports and football games (not actually TSA there, but the same principle)? Do you not see how we all face the same oppression, but in different forms, and that we would have immense power to stop it IF WE CAME TOGETHER?

  5. Listen, if you want to live in an anarchy, fine then. Call for that. But if you want any government at all, eg. so that your property can be protected, then such a government has to not only enforce protection of the property of the haves, but also fairness for the have nots. You want a government that is only for the haves. That’s not a government. That’s oppressive rule by the rich, which is EXACTLY THE SYSTEM WE HAVE. So then what is your problem with the system we have? Oh, I get it. What you don’t like is that the government we have should be catering to you and your pals, not to some other group and their pals.


    Either government is there for everyone, or it is oppressive. If it’s there for everyone, that means it is NOT just there to protect the property of those who are well off. See, right-wingers, I know you aren’t stupid. I’ve read many of your comments and writings over the years, so I know that you are fully capable of seeing the contradictions in your position. In essence, you claim (but you never openly put it this way) that the cops should protect your farm, store, media empire, whatever, to fend off the rabble who have nothing. You claim that that is what government is for. But when someone comes along who has more influence with the government than you have, and is able to get government to do their bidding, and not yours, suddenly you think government is oppressive, unfair, tyrannical, and you start screaming and ranting about it. But you STILL want government to make sure that the dispossessed rabble is kept down. That’s always the bottom line. Keep the rabble down. Food stamps? Welfare? Civil rights? Affirmative action? Healthcare? You react to all of that with truly tremendous righteous rage. HOW DARE THEY TAKE MY MONEY!!!!!!!!! You think that you own the world, that it is all there for you and those you associate with, and to hell with everyone else. Don’t you get it? YOU ARE THE ONES WITH THE ENTITLED ATTITUDE. Everything for you and nothing for the rabble. They must be kept down.

    Come on, wake up from this selfish trance. The world doesn’t exist just for you. It exists for ALL OF US. And we need a government for We The People, not just We The Well Heeled People. Did you forget, somewhere along the line, that the rabble you hate and fear so much are just like you? They want the things in life that you want – some security, a family, some creative outlet for their energies, a hopeful future for humanity, abundance for all, peace, etc..

    • In essence, you want the government to take care of you at the expense of others. The idea system is one where you don’t need welfare, food stamps or all that other nonsense. No one is entitled to my money I’ve earned. I have a responsibilty to myself to my family first of all. If I want to share with others or contribute to charity, that is within my rights. As far as being forced to do so, that to me is tyranny. Most social programs are a dismal failure anyway. The redistribution of wealth only causes more class warfare further disinegrates the middle class which is the backbone of any prosperous nation.
      Personally, I think from your diatrobe, it sounds as though your a failure. Could be wrong, but the rhetoric is very discerning has the world owes me a living attitude.
      Instead of wasting your time complaing, why don’t you do something positive, improve your own lot in life. If everyone did, we wouldn’t need big government in the first place.
      Good luck I hope you can turn yourself around. Keep in mind, the government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take it away including your life.
      Governments killed several hundred million people in the 20th century they’re still doing in the 21st, by the way. Who knows? You might be next!

  6. Honestly, the fact is that it DOES belong to them. All of it. Everything you ‘earn’ is paid to you in proprietary FRN’s. They own the medium in which you are paid. This is how the IRS can walk into your life, say you owe them, and take your things without due process. They own the money, and thus, they own you. Rothschild’s famous quote, “Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.” The UNITED STATES tm, is a foreign owned corporation (as per US Code) and the federal reserve (and the foreign banks that comprise the Fed), is its board chair.

    Do you think Obama makes policy? He’s the manager at a federal burger king. He gets his marching orders from corporate; and his job is to sell it to the public as a ‘solution’ when the problem itself was caused by the same people that are selling you their ad hoc fix.

    The problem itself is systemic, and I can honestly say that I can’t wait for it to come crashing down so that maybe we can start again and do better this time.

    • That is not quite accurate. True, we use Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Devices, FRAUD, to tender for goods and services (not pay, tender … we discharge our debt by giving the other guy debt of the United States.) HOWEVER … receiving your paycheck denominated in FRAUD is NOT how you incur liability for income tax or sales tax or gas tax or any other tax for that matter. And for Bob Livingston, SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT DISCUSSING HOW LIABILITY FOR THE INCOME TAX IS INCURRED. So I will cover it once again, for the umpteenth time on here, it goes like this:

      The income tax is NOT a tax on property, it is a tax on PRIVILEGE. The income derived FROM the privilege MEASURES the amount of the tax. Read that sentence several times until you have it down. That leads us to the question … WHAT IS THE PRIVILEGE THAT IS TAXED????

      There are a few legitimate privileges that are taxed …for instance, a non resident alien deriving US sourced income is clearly operating on privilege. What about the rest of us? If you are working at an occupation of common right within any of the now 50 united States in the private sector, and if you are paying an income tax on what you earn, IT IS FOR ONE REASON AND ONE REASON ONLY … YOUR PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL SECURITY.

      According to the govt. via the slave enumeration bureau, aka the Social Security Administration, “having and using an SSN is NOT REQUIRED to live OR WORK in the United States.” In otherwords, there is no legal requirement to have an SSN to get a job in the private sector whatsoever. Use that number on the job and now you are not merely working for a living, you are “employed” making you an “employee” with “wages” or “salary” or “commission.” All of those words have a specifically defined legal definition within the tax codes. Without the use of a socialist slavestate number (SSN) you are merely a worker and receive remuneration for labor and/or intellectual property.

      Part of this road to total tyranny we are on … a long time ago, the private sector started insisting upon socialist slavestate numbers as a condition of hire … that is, they refuse to hire without “employing.” It is virtually impossible to get hired without an SSN, due to policies based largely upon ignorance and fear, altho there are a handful of bad actors in large corporations that know exactly what the deal is. In comparing the income tax to “The Matrix” I would liken the IRS to the mindless search and destroy robots … the “Sentinels” also known as the squiddies … it is corporate America in general and the bad actors I mentioned in particular that fill the role of “Agent Smith.” Just to let folks know … it is not only the income tax, it is all of it … FICA, medicare, federal income tax, state income tax, local income tax, and soon Obamacare … that is contingent upon SSN use. No SSN use, no liability incurred for any of that.

      Why does SSN use involve privilege, and why ISN’T there a law that REQUIRES its use? One of your inalienable rights is an unlimited right to contract. With very few exceptions such as non resident aliens … any two parties here in the US can contract with each other WITHOUT involving government. Most folk are brainwashed into believing that if they mow their neighbors lawn or, say, to an informal drywall job in his garage for a few hundred bucks, to not report that to the IRS would be a violation of law. Of course, if it was cash, it generally doesn’t get reported anyways. The fellow who did the labor either feels guilty but doesn’t report or feels happy because he “got away with something” … but very few simply figure that it was a private, two party contract, something that done by right, with no need to report a damn thing … unless a socialist slavestate number gets involved in the mix … and that changes everything. Why????? BECAUSE YOU HAVE JUST INVITED THE GOVT. IN AS A THIRD PARTY. Now, you are “employed.” It is as if the govt. is your temp agency that you go thru. Just as a temp agency can insist upon certain conditions for their people that they farm out, the govt. does the same … minimum “wage” laws, paying into a pension plan (social security … gag, wretch,) over time regs, OSHA regs, maternity leave, etc. The government is “protecting” you, the “employee.”

      What disgusts me endlessly is how everybody assumes SSN use, never raises the issue, and/or believes that the govt. owns you and/or the fruits of your labor. There are lots of 9-11 truthers out there and reading this website … there are damn few Social Security truthers. Go out and do an informal poll for yourself … you will find that the brainwashing on this is far greater than just about any other brand of brainwashing.


  7. A 15% flat tax across the board for EVERYONE. Everyone must contribute to society. 50% of America pays absolutely nothing and those same people always demand that I pay more.

    Only a flat tax is fair for everyone. The only way for people to pay their fair share is to have a universal flat tax. Budgets would be consistent. America would grow. Investments would be sound and solid because companies and capital investors would know that their taxes are not going up. It is the best possible solution. 15% is not too much to ask from everyone and it would provide plenty of revenue.

    • You will never get my money you scam artist. I am poor, and if you think I am giving you and your cronies more money you little punk, you got another thing coming. If you want me to contribute to your so called “government”, then you better send a army to collect it you fascist pig.

    • Fifty percent of America? Where on Earth do you get these numbers? Are you counting working Americans and unemployed/non-benefit Americans? Are you counting retired and children under 16? You’re research and opinions are based on a very flawed “system.” Please tell me where you get these numbers. Must be from the census and we all know how reliable that program is.

      Honestly, you make up everything you say, don’t you? C”MON. Admit it.

      RON PAUL 2012

  8. One has a right to work, therefore it is not legal to seize any of it. You are entitled to 100%.

    It is a privilege of the system to have ‘your’ money, make money. That is INCOME, that is taxable.
    That is not taxed enough. That should be taxed at a flat/consistent 50% (25% for the State, 25% for the Federal)

    The money-class doesn’t work for a living, their money [government money] works for them.
    Does anyone think Warren Buffett is going to dig a ditch or swing a hammer, at any time for the remainder of his life?

  9. Fact:

    “Barack Obama should concider”

    Hilary Rodham Clinton – budget commissions; and board of directors- she voted on the bail outs to create what she called economic stimulas package.

    Failure of regulation and safe gaurds for the people;

    Every American company + Forgein.

    Britsh petrollium is a prime example: who paid the debt to clean up the golf shores after the oil spill in the gulf?

    You do – and it’s not just BP + it’s Wallmart and every major coporation.

    “The Product Mark Up” –

    They don’t pay – you do- market productivity.

    They don’t pay a cent – they hire banking commissioners; and resale acconts to figure out how much a person should pay on every item.

    One way or another – you do it’s a given.

    I’ll defend:

    George Walker Bush:

    He warned the people – and said nearly 60% of you income goes to taxes; wether it’s social security, income – state and federal, FICA .

    In one way or another the ” FED ” his words – are gouging the market- and it’s a near delibrate failure it’s government – no regulation.

    He compromised – and Alan Greenspan failed him miserably- ever since 1987. ; he was the chairmen for a number of years; then assigne as the lead director; by appontment that stemed from the regan years – ecconomics to clinton.

    Shouldn’t alan greenspan be held accontable- allow with partnered allies to larry silverstein; and newt grinsrich?

    He qouated : why should a home at the retail price of 90,000 cost you annual increse of upwards to 180,000 before being paid off trying to tackel the debt crisis that was created by several main player in the stock market.

    SIMPLE: A I G . the insurance scandels of the bilderberg umbrella – banks- and trade investors of a meeting attended by the support ” hilary rodham cinlton” just last month in washington.

    Department of Treasury:

    Ex- senator of New York- the state she was proposed to represnt. ; or were he efforts connected to the new your port authorities.

    Wall street – ??? Just ask the young woman in charge!!

    Its sad :

    Barack Obama attepted to fire Hilary Rodham Clinton; and Janet Napalitano- but was spared the humilation by nancy peloski!

    FIRE CLINTON- Napalitano – it’s really his only chance to a re-election bid. , if he’s concidering a re-election campaign effort.

    Go Ron Paul!!

    Go Sarah Palin!!

    Electronically Signed,

    Robert Lane Aiassa 09/19/2011

  10. I should buy silver and gold and turn them into flakes. Next I would leaf them (and laminae) them onto my own designed bills. I’d call them panda bills. I just love pandas… I’d have silver panda bills and gold panda bills (the metals would be weighted to match us dollars).

    I’ve ever spent bullion to buy things from K-mart or Target and even McDonalds (During a party of course, it’s a lot of food). The next best thing would be to customize my currency which is backed by real metals on the spot (literally, it’s on the bills)

    The best part would be if you pay an employee in panda bills, it would be tax exempt because the FED didn’t print them… bwahahahah. OOOH I’d make them all cute and kawaii… nobody can resist PANDAS!!!!

    You ain’t touching my money greedy goons!!!!

  11. After Obama announces the newest bevy of taxes today, Tax Freedom Day will be moved to 11/11/11. WTF????

  12. Most taxation at the Federal level is unconstitutional, and is not backed by actual laws on the books. For example, the IRS is clearly an unconstitutional agency (as is the CIA, FBI, DEA, …), and is now being used to coerce manufacturers in the U.S. to close down here and setup in foreign countries — at gunpoint.

    Note that the Federal Reserve, which controls both the IRS and the U.S. Treasury (along with the CIA), is not a real Federal agency; it is a private cabal of banksters who illegally forced their way onto the backs of the American People. First, the so-called “act” of Congress that allegedly handed them control of our money was never ratified by all the States. And secondly, there is no actual law, anywhere, that gives the IRS the authority to confiscate taxes on labor (though the Constitution does outline certain taxes that the Federal Government can assess, such as tarrifs on imported goods).

    So, not only is the Federal Reserve’s control over our money supply, and everything else they do, totally illegal and unconstitutional, the IRS itself acts illegally when it forcibly taxes U.S. labor.

    And don’t let them con you into imagining that it’s “patriotic” to pay income taxes to the Federal Government. In truth, it is clearly unpatriotic and criminal for the Feds to tax your labor.

    This leaves true patriots with only one option (other than taking up arms, in defence of liberty), and that’s to become a tax protester. Simply refuse to pay illegal taxes on income from raw labor.

  13. I wish some math expert could show us how from the time you receive your earned paycheck, till the time it’s spent, how much money in taxes is really from that money trail it travels. I sort of worked it a bit but basically the thinking goes like this. Paycheck-deduction income taxes- leaving me net sum, for this say $500. Buy something-taxed, my money plus the tax goes to the business. The business pays the tax collected to government, the money I spent with them, buys something or pays a paycheck out, so more tax, off same money. see where I’m going. Like an expert to chart that for us all somehow. Tax should only be paid once by the individual, meaning income tax once a year, not tax on tax on tax on tax. It’s like being screwed and chewed and barbequed as you exist everyday.Peace

    • It would also give government insentive to make economy work, as if people have no income-no tax collected. Why should they get more free tax money if someone helps another out that needs it, meaning you give them money for food n clothes, when they didnt have any income and yopu steal tax from that essentially, sik when you think about it that way.

  14. F–K earning money to begin with. Free food, shelter, clothing, clean water for ALL.


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